Understanding the RSA: How much financial assistance can eligible French citizens claim?

2023-07-11 15:11:00

Each month, CAF recipients can receive financial assistance called the RSA. Here’s how much they can claim…

Each month, the CAF offers an aid called RSA, understand Revenu de Solidarité Active. This is set to change in the coming months. Waiting for, find out how much eligible French people receive.

The RSA, a vital aid from CAF

Created in 2009 by CAF to replace the Minimum Integration Income (RMI) and the Single Parent Allowance (API), the RSA therefore makes it possible to promote the professional reintegration of beneficiaries.

To benefit from the RSA, there are conditions to be met. The first of these is to be at least 25 years old. If you have less, you will not be eligible for this aid.

You must also reside in France on a stable basis. Be aware that you also need to have lower resources to a ceiling set by the regulations and be willing to engage in actions aimed at promoting professional integration.

In France, it is estimated that nearly 4 million French people benefit from the RSA. A colossal figure, which may or may not increase over time.

Indeed, in the coming months, the government will therefore allow recipients to work more by supporting them in a sustainable approach to returning to work. The measures to reach the RSA will therefore evolve.

Towards an evolution of aid

In a few months, the government wants all RSA beneficiaries register with Pôle Emploi. In the bill for full employment, the government is therefore reforming the method of allocating the RSA.

Thus, a text of law provides for conditioning the payment of this income, with some exceptions (health problems, single mothers, etc.), to the achievement of a minimum of 15 to 20 hours of activity per week for reintegration into employment. Just that.

The government states that this professional activity takes the form of training, periods of immersion in companies or internships. Recipients will therefore have to sign a contract of employment with Pôle emploi.

The latter will force them to honor their obligations, under penalty of a fine. If they don’t, a graduated sanctions system may be set up by CAF.

You have therefore understood: CAF and Pôle Emploi will work together. This merger should therefore avoid the fraud that is rampant on French territory.

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The RSA, what amounts?

In France, the RSA has a maximum amount: 610 euros. The amount depends of course on the resources and the family quotient. In general, it cannot exceed this amount. This is done so that the French do not exceed « the lump sum thresholdthe scale of which varies according to family composition”specifies the CAF.

This average is therefore at the household level., of the family, and not at the individual level. These are therefore the “income before transfers [avant aides sociales et autres dispositifs, NDLR] of a person receiving the RSA are on average 240 euros per month, supplemented on average by 370 euros of income before transfers from other members of the household.specifies the DREES.

The RSA can of course be completed other aid such as family allowances or housing assistance. Then by social minima.

Moreover, be aware that different devices enable beneficiary households to live, on average, with 1,470 euros per month. A simple simulation on the CAF website will allow you to determine how much you can claim each month.

B. L.

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