Understanding the Importance of Lip Color and Condition for Health: Expert Insights and Advice

2023-07-20 12:30:29

Natalia Mayorova

2 hours ago

lips2 Their color and condition may indicate health problems

by color


Especially if there is a blue border, the color hints at possible pathologies in the work of the cardiac system: inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis), heart disease. In order not to miss the time, it is important to contact a cardiologist.


If you are not cold, and the color of your lips has lost its brightness and remains so all the time, there is a chance that you have anemia. Moreover, it can be caused not only by a decrease in hemoglobin levels and iron deficiency, but also by a lack of vitamins B9 and B12.

Red, burgundy

There are with heat, high pressure (it is not always felt), a tendency to stroke. Another such shade can be observed in people with diseased kidneys, liver. A bright color can also indicate an allergic reaction to something.

By skin condition

Dry, flaky

The thin skin of the lips is subject to the negative effects of heat, wind and needs careful care. But, if everything is in order with your care, and your lips are dry, this may indicate dehydration of the body and diseases of the stomach. And the lips can also peel off due to the fact that they are bitten, licked – these actions may be evidence of increased nervous excitability and stress.

Sores and blisters

They are caused by various infections. For example, this is how the herpes virus manifests itself, or the defeat of streptococci, thrush. Fungal growth occurs due to a decrease in immunity as a result of taking antibiotics and stress. Bubbles can occur both as an allergic reaction and as a result of vitamin PP deficiency.


They can be caused by a bacterial infection and a lack of vitamin A, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B12. It happens that cracks appear due to improper oral care. To accurately determine the cause, it is worth visiting a dermatologist.

Different specialists are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of the skin of the lips, but it is worth starting with a visit to a dermatologist or dentist.

The appearance of any irregularities on the lips is a cause for concern: they may turn out to be a wart, papilloma, benign tumor or precancerous formation. If you notice – visit a doctor!

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#Lip #diagnosis #prevent #diseases #save #lives



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