Understanding the Dangers of High Vitamin D Levels: Impaired Kidney Function and Other Health Risks

2023-06-16 15:17:28

Russian nutritionist and beautician Mariyat Mukhina announced that an increase in the level of vitamin D in the body can lead to impaired kidney function.

She pointed out that an increase in the level of vitamins or a deficiency in the body is dangerous to health. Vitamin deficiencies can be compensated for by the foods we eat. However, its high level leads to its accumulation in the organs of the body in the form of dangerous calcareous deposits, as calcification of the aorta, for example, can lead to its rupture.

According to her, the symptoms of this condition are attributed to vomiting, thirst, dehydration, sleep disturbance, constipation, joint pain and loss of appetite.

In addition, an excess of vitamin D in the body can negatively affect the work of the kidneys and disturb their functions. It can also lead to chronic pyelonephritis, hardening of the heart muscle and an increased risk of fractures. Excess of this vitamin can also affect the hormonal system. Therefore, these patients are prescribed a specific diet and hormones to remove excess vitamin from the body.

And Mukhina added, in infants with an increase in vitamin D, the fontanel closes prematurely, which leads to an increase in intracranial pressure. Children who have suffered from hypervitaminosis also have a developmental delay and suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

According to her, to compensate for the lack of vitamin D in the body, cod fish rich in this vitamin must be added to the daily diet in addition to the body’s daily need of vitamins A and E. Herring also contains a high percentage of vitamin D, twice as much as salmon, mackerel and butterfish. The egg yolk is also rich in vitamin D.

#careful #vitamin

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