2024-01-11 16:15:35
Anyone suffering from a vitamin B12 deficiency may have less energy. Can a deficiency also manifest itself through weight gain?
Vitamin B12 is involved, among other things, in the regulation of energy balance and is therefore essential for the body. The daily requirement for vitamin B12 can be easily met through a balanced diet, but it becomes problematic for vegans and vegetarians who eat few animal products. Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal foods. The German Society for Nutrition therefore recommends supplementation. A deficiency can have serious consequences – neurological symptoms can also occur. But can a vitamin B12 deficiency also lead to weight gain?
Vitamin B12 deficiency and weight gain: connection not confirmed
The experts Maria Wallert and Manfred Eggersdorfer from the Society for Applied Vitamin Research (GVF) wrote to us when asked: “A vitamin B12 deficiency can have various effects on the body, but in our opinion there is no scientific evidence of a direct connection between one Vitamin B12 deficiency and weight gain.”
Nevertheless, there may be some connection, but not as a direct result of a vitamin B12 deficiency. Weight gain depends on many factors, such as physical activity, genetic predisposition and hormonal changes, and can also be caused by lifestyle.
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Video: ProSieben
Vitamin B12 deficiency: weight gain due to lack of exercise?
According to the GVF experts, a deficiency can lead to the following symptoms in relation to weight gain:
- Lack of strength
- Lack of motivation
- lethargy
- Energy deficiency
- inactivity
The result of a vitamin B12 deficiency would be less exercise because the body has less energy available. Due to reduced physical activity, the body burns less fat, which in turn can lead to weight gain.
On the contrary, according to experts, a vitamin B12 deficiency can even lead to a lack of appetite, which would actually promote weight loss.
Vitamin B12 deficiency and weight gain: What does science say?
The GVF has summarized two findings that emerged from observational studies in humans:
- There is a connection between obesity or overweight and lower vitamin B12 levels.
- There is an association between taking vitamin B12 supplements or injections and minimal weight gain over a decade.
Studies have also shown that people who regularly supplement vitamin B12 gain less weight within ten years than people who do not supplement the vitamin. This is one of the reasons why celebrities are so vocal regarding vitamin injections – including vitamin B12 The Guardian very popular. The benefit remains questionable. “There is no conclusive study examining the direct connection, if any, between vitamin B12 injections and weight gain or loss,” write the GVF experts.
By the way: Vitamin B12 is also important for the psyche. It supports the nervous system. A 2018 study found that people with a vitamin B12 deficiency were more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.
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