Understanding the Complexity of Cancer: Exploring the 200 Different Types and Major Groups

2023-07-14 17:30:00

If the word “cancer” is quite simple in appearance, but it is not. There are approximately 200 types of cancer, depending on where it originated. Cancer of the uterus and of the lung are examples among many others.

The body is the result of the grouping together of a gigantic number of cells. We count approximately 10 trillion to 100 trillion to build the body of a human being. And there are different kinds of cells depending on the roles they have to fulfill. Those of the brain, eyes and muscles, for example, each have their particularities and their role. In all there is regarding 200 cell types that result from cell differentiation. Hence the 200 types of cancerbecause these diseases develop from these tiny entities.

Five major groups of cancers

It would be difficult to list all the types of cancers. Therefore, we will focus on five major groups of cancers.

carcinomaa cancer affecting in particular the skin and tissue covering the organs present in the body. It includes, among others, adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma.
Sarcoma is born from connective tissues or support. Bones, cartilage, blood vessels and fats are some of these tissues.
Leukemia (or leucosis) means cancer of the bone marrow. This disease affects blood stem cells, those that produce certain cells found in the blood.
Lymphoma (ou lymphosarcoma) et myeloma (or Kahler’s disease) brings together blood cancers associated with the lymphatic system. They affect lymphocytes and plasma cells respectively.
Central nervous system cancersas the name suggests, originate in the brain and spinal cord.

Note: Cancers may be referred to as solid or liquid cancers. The first category includes carcinoma and sarcoma. As for the second, it brings together lymphoma, myeloma and leukemia.

Carcinomas: the most common cancers

Carcinomasin short, are cancers whose origin is the cells of the epithelial or lining tissues. These tissues cover the inside and outside of the body, the skin being the closest example. In particular, they cover the organs, cavities as well as ducts and channels present in the body. They are present in almost all areas of the body.

By the way, did you know that the skin East the largest organ et the heaviest of the human body? Its area is usually 1.5-2 m² and its weight is 3-5 kg ​​depending on the size.

In addition, carcinomas concern between 80-90% of all cancers diagnosed worldwide. Therefore, they are the most common.

Here are some types of carcinomas:

Squamous cell carcinoma or spinocellulaire affects squamous cells, squamous cells. The latter are thin with a flat shape and line various areas of the body. Concretely, squamous cell carcinoma can develop from the skin, the esophagus, the lungs, the anus and even the vagina.
Adenocarcinoma is born from glandular epithelia which produce fluids inside the body. Digestive juices and mucus are part of it. This type of epithelial tissue is made up of highly differentiated cells whose main activity is the secretion of fluids.
carcinoma with transitional cells, it’s all in the name. These cells have the ability to adapt their shape according to the pressure exerted on them. They make up the tissues called transitional epithelia. These make up several components of the urinary system, such as the bladder.
The basal cell carcinoma is considered a skin cancer and it arises from the basal cells. These line the deepest layer of the skin. They are the ones that produce the new cells of the latter in order to replace the old ones.

Sarcomas: rare cancers

Sarcomas affect tissues connective as well as soft tissue, which have the role of supporting the organism. These cancers can be divided into two: bone sarcomas and soft tissue sarcomas.

Bone sarcomas

According to WHO, osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma are sarcomas most frequently affecting the bones.

In terms of frequency, osteosarcoma leads. It mainly affects young adults and children and is a so-called aggressive cancer. He forms from osteoblasts which participate in the formation of bones.

Soft tissue sarcomas

Soft tissue includes muscle and fat as well as blood vessels and nerves. Since these tissues are present throughout the body, this type of sarcoma can occur anywhere in the body. Nevertheless, these cancers appear, in more than 50% of cases, in the lower or upper limbs.

In this category, we find myxofibrosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma and liposarcoma among the most diagnosed.

Leukaemia, more common in children

Leukemia is manifested by a excessive amount abnormal red blood cells or white blood cells in the blood. While rare, the National Cancer Institute says it represents 29% of cancers in children under 15.

In addition, scientists have created four classes of leukemia: acute lymphoblastic leukemia (LAL), acute myeloid leukemia (LAM), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (LLC) and chronic myeloid leukemia (LMC).

THE acute leukemias are characterized by a high rate of multiplication of immature bone marrow cells. For this reason, the treatment of a patient may be urgent. For the chronic leukemias, cancer cells reach a higher stage of maturity and their multiplication is less alarming. So support is generally less pressing.

In addition, for ALL and CLL, the cells involved are the lymphocytes. On the other hand, AML and CML affect the Red cellsTHE pads et some white blood cells.

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Lymphomas and myelomas

Like leukaemia, lymphomas and myelomas are also des cancers you sang. However, they show up in the lymphatic system. The latter consists of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels. He is a important player in immune reactions and helps eliminate waste, bacteria and damaged cells. The lymphatic system also runs throughout the body. So cancer that develops there can develop in different parts of the body.

Lymphomas are associated with lymphocytes

Lymphomas refer to the uncontrolled multiplication of lymphocytesusually T and B. In this case, the cells involved in cancer may or may not be mature.

The proliferation of lymphocytes can then lead to a malignant tumor. Lymphatic organs such as lymph nodes, thymus and spleen can then be affected. However, lymphomas can also affect non-lymphoid areas. In other words, these cancers can develop in any organ.

Myeloma, in the bone marrow

Myeloma is the result of excessive multiplication of cancerous plasma cells in the bone marrow. These plasma cells are kinds of white blood cells from the latter. They ensure the production of antibodies used to fight infections.

Accumulation of abnormal plasma cells in the bone marrow stimulates cells whose role is to destroy bone. At the same time, this phenomenon inhibits the cells responsible for bone formation. Eventually, bone turnover becomes unbalanced to finally weaken the affected bone.

Brain and spinal cord cancers

The brain and spinal cord form the central nervous system. In other words, they control the body. And like the majority of cells, those of these entities are not spared by tumors.

In the case of the brain, malignant tumors most often develop at the expense of glial cells. The latter have the role of surrounding, supporting and isolating the neurons. The cancer in question is called glioma and unlike other cancers, it does not lead to metastasis. Which means that the tumor does not spread to other parts of the body.

However, malignant brain tumors are no less problematic. In fact, they can cause vision or speech problems as well as engine problems. Even benign (non-cancerous) tumors can be a problem because of the pressure they put on the brain.

As for spinal cord, it is most often prone to benign tumors. Nevertheless, compression of the spinal cord is a problem. The effects can range from sensory disturbances in the limbs to risk of paralysis.

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