Understanding the Charges and Consequences of Insulting an Expat on Social Media: Insights from Legal Advisor Muhammad Al-Wahaibi

2023-06-21 15:50:24

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The legal advisor, Muhammad Al-Wahaibi, revealed the most prominent charges faced by the two accused of insulting an expatriate through social media.

Al-Wahaibi said, in his interview with Saudi Arabia: “This act entered the anti-information crime and anti-harassment system, because they committed 3 criminal acts according to the first system, which is defamation.”

He added, “The second matter, according to Article Six of the Anti-Cyber ​​Crimes Law, which stipulated the production of something that would prejudice public order, the section had some hints.”

And he concluded: “The third matter, which is following a violation of the anti-harassment law, because the clip contained some sexual overtones, and any saying or action with a sexual connotation is considered harassment.”

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