Understanding Sudden Weight Gain: Causes and Solutions

2023-08-19 06:06:17

It’s no wonder you put on pounds after drinking too much at a party, getting an injury that prevents you from exercising for a few weeks, or eating at the buffet. But sometimes, the number on the scale may go up for no apparent reason.

Weight gain can be normal, especially during the last month of the year, when feasts abound with delicious foods and sweets that are rich in calories.

However, when weight is gained at other times of the year, and no modification has been made to the diet, this may be a cause for concern as it can indicate an underlying disease such as congestive heart failure, or liver and kidney disease.

Here are a group of reasons behind the sudden weight gain, according to nutritionist Dana Ellis Hones, from California:

Excessive salt: Consuming sodium causes the body to retain water. It is known that the latter have weight and size. This means that eating a lot of salt for several days in a row can suddenly put on weight.

Inadequate potassium: While sodium contributes to maintaining fluid around cells, potassium helps support muscle performance and blood pressure regulation. The two go hand in hand, and if one gets out of hand, the overall hydration will be compromised.

Take a new drug: In fact, drugs may cause up to 15 percent of obesity cases. They especially include antidepressants and heart disease medications. However, sleep aids, pain relievers, antihistamines to treat allergies, and testosterone stimulants can also cause weight gain.

Eating an unexpected amount: Any small change, such as starting to participate in the weekly “Happy Hours” or buying new, larger dishes, can negatively affect weight without noticing it. Consuming only an additional 500 calories per week is enough to gain kilograms over time.

– Transition to a diet richer in carbohydrates: In the event of moving from a low-carb diet plan to another containing more grains and starches, the number on the scale will change immediately. The reason is that carbohydrates are stored in the muscles and liver in the form of glycogen. Each gram of the latter contains about 3 g of water, which means that the pasta dish will store more water in the tissues.

– Quit smoking finally: Smoking is an appetite suppressant, so it is likely to eat more food, and thus gain kilograms when you stop this habit. However, you should not worry too much since those who gain weight after quitting smoking do not usually gain a large amount.

Endocrine Disorder: Hypothyroidism can cause sudden and significant weight gain. Although less common, other hormonal disorders, such as Cushing’s disease, may also cause weight gain. If you suffer from an endocrine disorder, weight gain is likely not the only symptom. Fatigue, weakness, headaches, thinking problems, and nervousness are all signs of these hormonal disorders.

The presence of another chronic disease: If you gain 0.5 to 1 kg every few days or even every day, you should consult a doctor quickly, because this may indicate that the kidneys are unable to adequately excrete fluid from the body. This may be caused by heart failure, kidney failure, or liver disease.

Lack of sleep: It was found that people who sleep for a few hours tend to eat more, and their appetite increases, especially on foods rich in calories.

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