2023-08-30 09:21:07
12:16 p.m. Wednesday, August 30, 2023
I wrote – Omnia Qalawun
Some people suffer from potassium deficiency in the body, and some sufferers may not realize this condition early, but there are a group of symptoms that indicate infection, as potassium is necessary for the health of nerves and muscles, as well as the balance of fluids within the body.
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In the following report, The Consulto reviews symptoms of potassium deficiency and ways to prevent it, according to the “Health direct” and “Cleveland Clinic” websites.
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Symptoms of potassium deficiency
If you have low potassium levels, symptoms may include:
Feeling weak.
Feeling tired.
Muscle spasms.
– confusion.
– constipation.
tingling or numbness
– Increased urination.
– Arrhythmia.
Also read: Muscle spasm.. a normal or pathological condition?
Causes of low potassium in the blood
Hypokalemia can occur if a person becomes dehydrated, and some medications can cause the body to lose potassium, such as diuretics.
Categories more susceptible to potassium deficiency
You are at risk of developing low potassium levels if you:
You suffer from vomiting or diarrhea.
You have a very physically demanding job that causes you to sweat.
Living in very hot climates.
Take antibiotics.
Have chronic kidney disease.
You have an eating disorder such as bulimia.
They have low levels of magnesium in the body.
Not getting enough potassium from your diet, though, is rare.
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Diagnosis of potassium deficiency
Low potassium is diagnosed with a blood test, and your doctor may order a test as part of a routine medical exam, or because you have high blood pressure or kidney disease.
Treatment of potassium deficiency
Treatment for hypokalemia includes taking potassium supplements only under medical supervision, as having too much potassium in the body can also cause serious health problems.
If your levels are very low, you may need a potassium drip in the hospital.
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Complications of potassium deficiency
A person with severe hypokalemia might experience:
Decreased brain function.
High blood sugar levels.
Muscle paralysis.
– difficulty breathing.
Heart rate disorder.
Severe hypokalemia can be life threatening.
Also read: Kidney stones, the most prominent of which are .. 6 diseases caused by potassium deficiency in the body
Prevention of potassium deficiency
The risk of developing hypokalemia can be reduced by following a diet full of potassium-containing foods. Potassium-containing foods include many fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, dairy products, and legumes, most notably:
– avocado.
– the banana.
Beans and peas.
– bran.
Dark leafy vegetables.
– fish.
– Beef.
– Yogurt.
– orange.
– Peanut Butter.
– potatoes.
– spinach.
– tomatoes.
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