Understanding Phytic Acid: Effects, Absorption, and Health Benefits

2023-09-05 14:23:30

Phytic acid is an organic compound that can be found in a variety of plant foods, especially grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

It is often described as an “anti-nutrient”; Because it can reduce the absorption of some minerals in the human body, such as iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium, according to a report published by the specialized medical website “onlymyhealth”.

How does phytic acid interfere with dietary absorption:

Phytic acid can reduce mineral absorption according to research. It has a strong affinity for minerals, especially those with a positive charge such as iron, calcium and zinc. When you consume foods high in phytic acid, it binds to these minerals and forms phytate complexes.

Low bioavailability

Intestinal absorption of these phytate complexes is poor. They move through a mostly intact digestive tract, reducing the mineral’s bioavailability. This means that even if a food contains large amounts of these minerals, your body may not be able to utilize them adequately.

effect on iron

One of the most well-known effects of phytic acid is iron absorption. The diets are mostly vegetarian and high in phytic acid. There may be a greater risk of iron deficiency; This is particularly worrisome for individuals who have increased iron needs, such as pregnant women and growing children.

reduction of phytic acid

According to research, to reduce the inhibitory effects of phytic acid, various food processing techniques can be used, such as soaking, fermenting, or sprouting grains, nuts, and seeds. These methods can break down the phytic acid and make the minerals more available for absorption.

Health benefits of phytic acids

It is important to stress that although phytic acid may inhibit mineral absorption, it is not always a bad thing; In fact, it may have certain health benefits, such as antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Also, many plant foods that contain phytic acid contain vital nutrients and dietary fiber, making them valuable components of a balanced diet.

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Phytic acid substitutes

Several processes help destroy phytates before they can be consumed; This includes the following: – Baking recipes

– Fermentation by soaking

– fermentation of yeast.

According to Web Md, people who eat a lot of phytic acid, including vegetarians, can benefit from mineral-absorbing boosters like garlic and onions. Where these foods improve the absorption of minerals, especially iron and zinc.

Balancing your diet and incorporating a variety of foods can help mitigate the effect of phytic acid on nutrient absorption. Additionally, individuals with specific dietary concerns or nutrient deficiencies may consult a healthcare provider or dietitian for personalized guidance.

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