Understanding Noah Syndrome: Compulsive Pet Accumulation and Its Impact

2023-12-22 11:36:00

Similar to Diogenes syndrome, which sees people accumulate useless, broken, obsolete or even damaged objects, which they are unable to throw away and which clutter up their entire home from floor to ceiling, Noah syndrome is characterized, for its part, by the pathological, compulsive and excessive accumulation of pets to the detriment of their well-being.

Uncommon, this mental disorder is classified in the group of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorders). Unaware of doing wrong while the animals live in conditions often described as execrable, these people are convinced that they are doing the right thing and saving these animals. They are clearly in complete denial of any animal abuse.

Who is concerned ?

Women – often over the age of 60 – are predominantly (around 75%) affected by this problem, which also more generally affects people suffering from a certain degree of social isolation and engaging in few activities. Do these people compensate with animals for lack of human contact or, conversely, does the excessive presence of animals around them cut them off from all social life? Difficult to answer this question, but undoubtedly it is a bit of both, creating a vicious circle.

As for what can trigger such an attitude, in general, it follows a major emotional shock, or even the loss of a loved one. Adopting animals then fills an emotional gap or repairs a trauma. Another scenario: a caring concern to devote oneself to the animal cause.

As for the treatment, the people concerned are in denial and it is not easy to discuss the issue with them. In most cases, it is the complaints of inconvenienced neighbors, relatives or animal rights associations that ultimately prove effective and put an end to the situation.

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But above all, it is important to make these people aware of the pathological nature of their approach. To treat these patients, psychologists offer cognitive and behavioral therapies.

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