Understanding Mental Illness in the 21st Century: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

2023-12-30 20:00:00

Many people living in modern society in the 21st century suffer from mental illness. / Shutterstock

In modern society, where the pace of change is remarkable, many people suffer from mental illness. The complexity of modern society has a serious impact on our mental health.

Amid information overload and a barrage of challenges, many people experience problems such as poor concentration and stress. Many people are even experiencing social isolation due to non-face-to-face contact due to the coronavirus.

In the 20th century, infectious diseases became a problem due to dense population and insufficient concept of hygiene, and in the 21st century, mental illness problems emerged due to the above-mentioned characteristics of the times. Web MD, an American health media outlet, introduced representative mental illnesses that modern people living in this era can suffer from.

◇ Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorder is a general term for mental illnesses that cause obstacles in daily life due to pathological anxiety and fear. Anxiety and fear are normal emotional reactions that serve as warnings regarding the situation at hand. However, if you feel excessive anxiety, it can cause mental pain and physical symptoms.

If the sympathetic nervous system is excited due to anxiety and you experience physical symptoms such as headaches, increased breathing rate, gastrointestinal abnormalities, and difficulties with interpersonal relationships and daily activities, you are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. and specific phobias.

◇ Affective disorder

Depression and bipolar disorder are common mood disorders. / Shutterstock

It is a disease in which one feels depressed or excited alternately for a certain period of time. It is also called manic depression. It is characterized by mood changes that occur without external stimulation. The most common mood disorders are depression and bipolar disorder.

◇ Eating disorder

This disease, also called eating disorder, refers to disorders that occur in weight, body shape, and eating behavior. In other words, it is a general term for symptoms of not being able to eat even though there is no illness in the body, or conversely, eating too much because one cannot control one’s appetite. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder are the most common eating disorders.

◇ Impulse control disorder

It is a mental illness characterized by increased tension due to impulses and addictive behavior in order to relieve it.

Impulse control disorder is a broad concept that includes pathological kleptomania, pathological arson, shopping addiction, and Internet addiction. If you have this disorder, you cannot suppress your desires and act out them, and later experience pleasure and relief of tension.

◇ 강박장애(obsessive-compulsive disorder)

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that causes repeated unwanted thoughts and actions. People engage in compulsive behaviors to relieve painful thoughts and impulses that repeatedly invade their consciousness.

Compulsive behavior appears in the form of cleaning behavior, checking behavior, repetitive behavior, etc., and acts repeatedly to escape from anxiety even though it is known that it is excessive.

◇ Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a disease in which a person feels fear following experiencing a serious event such as war, torture, or an accident and expends energy to escape from it.

The main symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder is experiencing perceptual abnormalities such as panic attacks and auditory hallucinations. In severe cases, it can lead to depression and drug abuse.[End_mark]

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