Understanding HPV Infections: Transmission, Effects, and Vaccination

2023-06-28 08:22:01

How is HPV contracted and does the virus only affect women? We explain how you can become infected.

The abbreviation HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus – the term hides a virus that can trigger sexually transmitted diseases such as genital or genital warts or (cervical) cancer. HPV is considered one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. How “NetDoctor” explains, most HPV infections heal unnoticed. Nevertheless, (malignant) tumors can form long following an infection.

We explain to you how infection with HPV expires and how important the Vaccination is.

HPV: how is it transmitted?

As “NetDoktor” further explains, men and women can equally become infected with the human papilloma virus.

Infection occurs primarily during sexual intercourse – i.e. through direct contact with the skin or mucous membranes. But also via infected objects such as towels or sex toys. Mothers can also pass HPV to their children at birth.

80 percent of men and women become infected with HPV

As the Ministry of Social Affairs reported, infections with “cancer-causing HPV types (types 16 and 18)” are responsible for over 70 percent of “malignant cases of cervical cancer”. However, prolonged infections can also lead to the formation of cancer cells in the female and male genitals as well as in the throat and larynx. Around 80 percent of all men and women will become infected with HPV at some point in their lives.

Cervical cancer is the third leading cause of death in women worldwide – in Austria alone, around 400 new cases of cervical cancer and 130-180 deaths are registered every year.

Infection with genital or genital warts is also common: more than one percent of sexually active people suffer from genital warts. About every tenth person suffers from the sexually transmitted disease during their lifetime.

How to protect yourself from HPV!

According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, an HPV vaccination can reduce the risk of genital warts and cervical cancer (and other types of cancer that can be caused by HPV, such as throat, larynx, vagina, anus, and penis cancer) by up to 90 percent.

Vaccination once morest human papillomavirus has been available since February 1, 2023 boys and girls as well as men and women from the age of 9 to the age of 21 free of charge. Immunization is recommended up to the age of 30. After that, the vaccine is optional. Regular gynecological examinations for women – Pap smears and HPV tests – should continue to be carried out “despite” vaccination. Condoms do not provide adequate protection once morest infection with HPV. However, safer sex helps to effectively protect once morest other STDs.

Does an HPV vaccination make sense if you are/was already infected with HPV?

This question was also raised as part of the panel discussion under the title “Better safe than sorry”, which by the Initiative group Alpbach Vienna (IG Vienna for short) was initiated. Prof. Dr. Stephan Polterauer, Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, has a clear answer: “Even if you are or have been infected with HPV, you should get vaccinated. Since no immunity is created, you can always be infected and that’s why it’s important to have the opportunity of vaccination.”

➞ Yes! Vaccination, even if you are or have been infected with HPV, definitely makes sense.

What does an affected person advise?

Die Influencerin fruity.sky told k.at that during a routine check-up at the doctor’s, she had a conspicuous cancer smear and that’s how she found out regarding her HPV infection. She exchanged views with those affected regarding her diagnosis and also used her reach on Instagram to educate regarding the topic.

“It is important to me to make other women aware of this. First and foremost, I would like to call on everyone to get vaccinated in good time,” explained the influencer. She calls on those affected to talk regarding their diagnosis: “Even if it is transmitted through sexual contact, it is not a sexually transmitted disease. The exchange with family, friends and those affected helped me a lot to deal with the topic openly. “

Petition for free HPV vaccination

There is currently a petition on the petition website “mein #aufstehn” that advocates that the HPV vaccination should be affordable for everyone. You can find more information regarding this here.

If you suspect you have contracted HPV or an STD, you should speak to an expert.

You can also find more test offers at Aids Help Austria.

You can find more information regarding the HPV vaccination here.

#infects #human #papillomavirus



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