Understanding Highly Sensitive Personalities: Traits, Characteristics, and Coping Strategies

2023-10-02 15:57:13

06:52 PM Monday 02 October 2023

Written by Nada Sami:

Highly Sensitive Person, or HSP, is a term coined by psychologist Elaine Aron. HSPs are a subset of the population who have a high personality trait known as Sensory Processing Sensitivity, or SPS.

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In the following report, the Consulto reviews sensitive personality traits and how to deal with them, according to Very Well Mind.

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Those with high levels of SPS show increased emotional sensitivity, stronger reactivity to both external and internal stimuli—pain, hunger, light, and noise—and a complex inner life.

It is believed that highly sensitive people are more disturbed than others by violence, stress, or feelings of being overwhelmed. As a result, they may make concerted efforts to avoid situations in which such things are likely to happen. On the more positive side of this trait, high sensitivity is thought to be associated with higher levels of creativity, richer interpersonal relationships, and a greater appreciation of beauty.

Is severe allergy a disorder?

According to Aron’s conception of high sensitivity, it is not a mental health disorder; Rather, it is defined, like other aspects of personality, as a trait present in every person to varying degrees.

Hypersensitivity is not a disorder, but highly sensitive people are more susceptible to many other psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression, especially when they are in an inappropriate environment that does not support that person’s sensitivity, but rather increases pressure on him in word and deed, and does not appreciate his feelings and thoughts.

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Characteristics of highly sensitive people

There are some characteristics and characteristics of a highly sensitive person that seem common, such as:

-Avoid violent TV shows or movies.

– Finding beauty in almost anything, whether it’s art or something in nature.

– Feeling exhausted due to noise, bright lights, and uncomfortable clothes.

– Feeling anxious.

– Avoid getting into a fight and prefer to withdraw.

– Crying a lot.

– Extreme empathy for others.

– Too many dreams.

– Enjoying a rich inner life, meaning that the person creates another life for himself in which he can enjoy and touch the beauties in life.

How to deal with hypersensitivity?

A highly sensitive person’s failure to understand the nature of his personality increases his chances of being exposed to constant sadness and depression, as well as the presence of that person in an unsupportive environment. This can be avoided by following some tips:

-Understanding the nature of personality and that a sensitive person is not disturbed, but rather a creative person with unique personal abilities.

– Avoid depressing, unsupportive or negative personalities.

– Creating a parallel world in which a person can show his energy and creativity.

– Release feelings and talk to close ones or supportive people.

– Follow writing therapy to release feelings and thoughts.

Art therapy is one of the ways that may help people understand their nature and deal with stressful situations.

Exercising is one of the effective ways to manage emotions.

– Consultation with a psychologist.

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