Understanding Erectile Dysfunction: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

2023-09-30 02:15:00

Erectile dysfunction is more common than you might think. So is according to the Techniker Krankenkasse approximately one in ten men affected. We have Signs and symptoms put together for you. If you suspect you have erectile dysfunction, you should clarify medically let.

Erectile dysfunction: symptoms and frequency

One erectile dysfunction You can tell that the erection does not last for the duration of sexual intercourse maintained can be. Doctors speak of erectile dysfunction when a man… more than two thirds of the cases Has problems with erection. In addition, the problems must be resolved over a period of time at least six months consist. Ratiopharm offers you one online free Self-test at. The result can give you an indication of whether you have erectile dysfunction or not. However, only a doctor can make a confirmed diagnosis. Although the frequency of erectile dysfunction increases with age, younger men too affected. Approximately one in four new diagnoses is said to affect a man under 40 years of age.

A study from the journal “Translational Andrology and Urology” observed in 2017 that younger men also increasingly common develop erectile dysfunction. This refers to men between the ages of 18 and 35. Die There is no reason for this development. Rather, it is on one Variety of reasons attributed.

The first of these is that in modern society we often feel obliged to always be available. There are also work requirements and social obligations, for example. Meeting all requirements is almost impossible. For us this means a enormous pressureaccompanied by a psychological stress. Stress and constant psychological strain can affect not only your mental health, but also your physical health. For example, this aspect has in 2011 A study published in the journal “International Journal of Impotence Research” examined this in more detail. In the course of the study it was found that chronic stress influences, among other things, the production of testosterone. If a man’s most important sex hormone decreases, libido also decreases and erectile dysfunction can result.

Causes: Modern lifestyle in connection with erectile function

The often predominantly sedentary lifestyle is another aspect that characterizes life today. For example, you may have a job that requires you to sit at a desk a lot. Additionally, you might often sit in front of the television or in the car. Are you predominantly inactivethis can affect your blood circulation. Lack of exercise is therefore another possible reason for erectile dysfunction in young men.

It’s hard to imagine life without a smartphone, television, laptop or computer these days. We live in a time in which… almost every Owns a smartphone and always spends time in front of the screen. Use before bed electronic equipment in excess, it can disrupt your sleep cycle disturb. If this results in a lack of sleep, it can have negative effects on your health hormonal balance have. If you don’t sleep well, it is possible that the hormones essential for sexual function are not being produced sufficiently.

Another possible reason for erectile dysfunction is a excessive porn consumption. Are you watching? often porn on, this can cause you to become overly sensitive to sexual stimuli dull. If this happens, you may have difficulty achieving an erection. Diet is also a possible reason for erectile dysfunction. As the Internet portal “ZAVA” reports, among others, a healthy diet helps prevent erectile dysfunction. Nourish If you don’t do much for your health and don’t consume enough vitamins, minerals and amino acids, the risk of erectile dysfunction increases. Do you access it regularly? Fast food, ready meals and sweets, erectile dysfunction could also occur. The reason for this is that these foods have a negative impact on us blood vessels can have. If circulatory problems occur, it also affects the blood flow to the genitals.

Preventive measures: exercise, healthy eating and conscious pornography consumption

Since stress can be a possible reason for erectile dysfunction, it is important to Stress factors to be recognized as early as possible. If you know what stresses you out, you can avoid it if possible. If avoiding the stressors is not possible, look for ways to avoid them get over. How the NDR reported, can Sport promote testosterone release. Muscles and tissue are strengthened through strength and endurance sports. In addition, your blood circulation promoted by regular physical activity. Of course, you can decide for yourself how exactly you want to structure your training. Take note of which exercise options can be easily integrated into your everyday life.

It can also be helpful not to use electronic devices too often before going to bed. Instead, try one quiet and cozy to create environment. This increases the likelihood that you will be able to recover well at night. With regards to pornographic material, if you suspect pornographically induced erectile dysfunction, you should try Limit consumption. Consciously consuming pornography can help you regain your sexual arousal.

One balanced and healthy diet helps maintain your excitability. Healthy fats, vegetables and fruit should be an important part of your daily diet. As a Study from 2016 showed that there are even foods that can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. These are foods that are rich in so-called Flavonoids, i.e. special plant substances. Examples of these foods include blueberries, cherries, blackberries, citrus fruits and black currants.

Other possible causes and treatment options

If you are affected by erectile dysfunction, there can be many reasons. It is often a combination of several causes. It must also be remembered that every body reacts slightly differently to external and internal influences. In addition to the risk factors already explained, which relate in particular to modern lifestyles, there are a few others. This includes:

Erectile dysfunction as Accompanying side effects of other diseases, such as heart and vascular diseases, diseases of the glands or metabolism, nervous diseases, trauma or urogenital malformations. Erectile dysfunction as Side effects after surgical procedures in the abdominal cavity, pelvic area or urogenital area. Erectile dysfunction as Side effects of various medications. These include, among other things, various cardiovascular drugs and psychotropic drugs.

There are certain things you can do to reduce your risk of erectile dysfunction. This includes a healthy diet, stress management, balanced consumption of digital media, sufficient exercise and healthy sleep. If you notice that you are experiencing symptoms of erectile dysfunction, you should medical advice catch up. The doctor can help you determine the causes. Erectile dysfunction can often be treated successfully. Which Treatment exactly how it is used always depends on the Individualfall and the cause. Possible options include psychotherapy, drug therapy, surgical procedures or erectile tissue autoinjection therapy. Depending on the cause, it can also help to change your lifestyle.

Conclusion: Erectile dysfunction also in young men

Erectile dysfunction no longer only occurs in older people. The reason for this is, among other things, that the modern lifestyle brings with it numerous challenges that can negatively affect erectile function. If you notice the symptoms, you should get one doctor or a doctor visit. This person can give you a diagnosis and contact you Therapy options advise.

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