Understanding Coxarthrosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Hip Osteoarthritis

2023-06-14 18:45:53

Definition: what is osteoarthritis of the hip or coxarthrosis?

L’hip osteoarthritis also called coxarthrosis corresponds to a progressive degeneration of the cartilage of the hip jointjoint located between the thigh bone (femur) and the pelvis.

The disease begins with a breakdown of the cartilage and then progresses to all the other structures of the joint, resulting in inflammation of the synovial membrane (which lines the inside of the joint) as well as remodeling of the subchondral bone. (located under the cartilage).

Hip osteoarthritis can cause pain and loss of mobility. It evolves according to:

of the chronic phases in which motor impairment and pain are mild to moderate. of the acute phases during which the patient may present with a significant motor handicap, intense pain and a significant deterioration in the quality of life.

Over time, the disease can get worse leading to a major loss of mobility. Sometimes the evolution is very slow and the patient will not experience any significant handicap.

Age is the main risk factor for the development of osteoarthritis. Only 3% of the population under the age of 45…

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