Understanding Cidophage: Uses, Side Effects, and Dosage

2023-09-12 19:12:05

10:08 PM Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Consulto

Cidophage is considered one of the famous medications used to treat type 2 diabetes. It must be taken under the supervision of a doctor, because it may negatively affect the body’s health in some cases.

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How does Cidophag work in the body?

Cedovage contains metformin, a substance that helps improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes, in addition to its ability to lower plasma glucose levels, by reducing its liver production.

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To ensure that you benefit from the effectiveness of Cidophag, doctors recommend taking it in addition to following a healthy diet and exercising regularly daily.

Cidophag is sometimes used with insulin or other medications, but it is not a treatment for people with type 1 diabetes.

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Side effects of Cidophag

Despite the effectiveness of Cidophag, it may cause some patients a number of side effects, most notably:

– Diarrhea.

– Flatulence.

– Indigestion.

– Nausea.

– Vomiting.

– Weakness.

– Headache.

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Categories prohibited from taking Cidophag

It is necessary to consult a doctor before taking Cidophag, because it may pose a risk to the body’s health in the following cases:

– Suffering from an allergy to one of the components of the medication.

– Severe kidney failure.

– Type 1 diabetes.

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– Having a liver problem.

– Vitamin B12 deficiency in the blood.

– Performing surgeries.

– Taking some medications. To view them, click here.

– During pregnancy.

– During the breastfeeding period.

– Children under 10 years old.

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What are the uses of Cidophag?

Doctors usually prescribe Cidophag for people with:

– Type 2 diabetes.

– Pregnancy diabetes.

– Obesity due to insulin.

– Weight gain due to treatment with antipsychotic medications.

– Excessive secretion of ovarian androgens.

– Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

– Polycystic ovary syndrome.

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Cidophag dosage

The dose of Cidophag and the number of times it is taken per day varies from one patient to another depending on age and health problem, so it is necessary to consult a doctor before getting it.

#Cidophag #medication #diabetics

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