Understanding Cervical Cancer Symptoms and Acupuncture Treatment

2023-05-03 16:07:48

God gives people gifts, and people only know how to enjoy them, forgetting to look at the price behind. (123RF)

Text/Wen Binrong (Chinese Medicine Physician)

(Continued from last Thursday)[Medical case]Dark clouds drifting in the wind (Part 1)

Cervical Cancer Symptoms

※There are no symptoms at the beginning.

※Bleeding during sexual intercourse, vaginal bleeding during sleep, and vaginal bleeding following defecating. If the blood volume is low, it will stop on its own.

※Nonmenstrual vaginal bleeding, unexplained vaginal bleeding.

※The amount of menstruation increases, and the menstrual period is longer than usual.

※Menopause, intermittent bleeding, or bloody leucorrhea.

※With the development of cervical cancer, sexual intercourse bleeding is even worse.

※There is a lot of vaginal discharge, accompanied by special fishy smell, or pus smell, secondary to vulvitis.

※ Spread to the pelvis, compress the pelvic nerves, cause neuralgia, pelvic pain, lower abdomen, lower back, buttocks, thigh pain.

※ Spread to the bladder, causing hematuria, frequent urination, and urinary incontinence.

※ Spread to the ureter, causing ureteral obstruction, renal edema, and renal failure.

※ Spread to the rectum, anal bulge, poor stool, constipation, diarrhea, bloody stool.

※The rectum is invaded, a breach occurs, and excrement comes out from the vagina.

※ Spread to the whole body, anemia, weight loss, acute weakness, and finally death.

When the romantic music teacher came to the clinic, he didn’t look panicked at all, because he didn’t feel any serious discomfort in his body. Moreover, there is no evidence at present that cervical resection, hysterectomy, electrotherapy, chemotherapy, cryotherapy, etc. are effective for cervical cancer. Which treatment is best. The attending physician did not take any active treatment, and only told the teacher to rest more.

acupuncture treatment

Animals want to reproduce, most of them are one-to-one male and female. If the sperm of two men are in the same vagina at the same time, will there be a fierce struggle and the release of lethal toxins? Toxins in the cervix, detoxification, acupuncture at Zhubin and Sanyinjiao points. Cervical erosion, leucorrhea stench, needle belt pulse, Qi sea, between the lines, Yinlingquan points.

For cervical cancer, acupuncture points such as Chengjiang, Tianshu, Zhongji, Qugu, Uterus, Qichong, Ququan, Shangliao, Zhongliao, and Xialiao are used in rotation. Uterus point is located 4 inches below the navel, and 3 inches away from Zhongji point.

The teacher had excessive sexual intercourse, thinning hair, and sore waist, which are signs of deficiency of the kidney meridian. To invigorate the kidney, acupuncture Guanyuan, Qihai, and Xuehai points. When the mind is shaken, the sexual desire is easily stimulated, the heart fire is relieved, and the Daling point is needled.

For uterine fibroids, oblique needling at the uterine point, straight needling at the curved bone and transverse bone points. In the other group, Zhongji, Guihui, Uterus, and Sanyinjiao points are used in rotation. Among them, the swelling and numbness of Sanyinjiao points spread to the feet, and the swelling and numbness of Zhongji, Guihui, and Gonggong points spread to the vulva.

In case of functional uterine bleeding and continuous dripping, acupuncture at Hegu, Xuehai, Sanyinjiao, and Yinlingquan points, and self-moxibustion at Yinbai points. Emotional instability, needling Shenting and Taichong points.

To strengthen the conditioning of gynecological diseases, acupuncture on the scalp, the Baihui point in the perineal area, the 3 lines beside the forehead, from the head to the eyebrows and the tail, the genital area, and the frontal corner. Take another decoction.

Special order

※Keep the genitals clean, but do not over-wash.

※Fixed sexual partners, do not have sexual intercourse with two sexual partners at the same time. Suspend sexual activity during treatment.

※Use 1 tael of coix seed and 2 taels of water chestnut to boil. Drink soup and eat ingredients once a day for a month.

※Use flavescens decoction to wash the genitals, or use 2 liang of flavescens, 1 liang of cnidium, 5 qian of Angelica dahurica, decoct and fumigate the genitals.

God gives people gifts, and people only know how to enjoy them, forgetting to look at the price behind.

After several times of acupuncture, I went straight to the point and said to the teacher: “Your musical talent is only used as a tool to make money. Your musical skills may be impeccable, otherwise you will not get a doctorate. But in your music, there is no Injecting the soul, you are not in the music, melting into the emotion, and liberating your soul. What you care regarding is the scenery on the stage. To put it bluntly, it is vanity, a busker, and a music craftsman.” The teacher was very surprised, how did the doctor see through of? Criticism is too harsh!

I continued to analyze: “You have never been really happy, you took the applause as happiness, but following a few minutes of happiness, you soon fell into inexplicable loneliness and emptiness. So, you made love desperately, trying to capture something, Emotions, sex, can’t get rid of the shadow of loneliness. You are half a hundred, and you still can’t find the meaning of life.” The teacher’s eyes widened, and he mightn’t bear it for a while.

I said, “In your life, the farthest distance is from your body to your heart. Don’t mistake promiscuity for passion, and don’t mistake passion for love. You can do whatever you want, but Don’t go with the flow. You can be sexual, but don’t be sexual. Your womb is protesting, wailing. Please listen to the voice of the womb.”

Under the heavy hammer, can it wake up the lost man? The teacher was shocked and astonished. After the teacher finished acupuncture, he went home and cried all the way to the end.

At the second visit, the haughty look in my eyes finally calmed down. The teacher said, “Thank you, doctor. Your words hit me like a thunderbolt. I will review myself and start a new life.” Afterwards, the teacher Like a golden cicada shedding its shell, its face is radiant, and it is also a beautiful butterfly.

After 13 times of acupuncture and moxibustion, the teacher went to Western medicine for re-examination, and the uterine fibroids shrank by 1 cm, leaving 3 cm left. The tumor has shrunk from 6 cm to 2.8 cm, and it is out of danger. The attending doctor said that regular follow-up will be enough. Afterwards, due to the sudden and severe outbreak of the new crown pneumonia, a third-level alert was declared, and the course of treatment was ended. (full text)

——Excerpted from “Fighting the Wind from All Sides – Survival from Desperate Places”, (provided by Boda Publishinghttp://broadpressinc.com/)◇

#Medical #caseDark #clouds #drifting #neck #Part #Cervical #cancer #Leucorrhea #Uterine #fibroids



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