Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Differences from Depression, and Treatment Options

2023-06-01 02:00:00

Reported by Health and Medical Network/Reporter Zheng Yifen

Many people are not easy to distinguish between “manic depression” and “depression”. The two may have similar depression symptoms, but it should be noted that in addition to the long-term depression period, bipolar disorder also has manic or mixed episodes. If you only take antidepressants, you may make your mania worse! Huang Zhiqun, a psychiatrist at Douliu Branch of Chengda Hospital, reminded that the suicide rate of patients with bipolar disorder is 10-20 times higher than that of ordinary people, so it should not be careless; Different, now there are neuroleptics, which can not only fight mania but also relieve depression, and the public is urged to treat them early for a better prognosis.

▲Huang Zhiqun, a psychiatrist at Douliu Branch of Chengda Hospital.

How is bipolar disorder different from depression? 7 big differences

bipolar disorder1The full name is “Bipolar Disorder”, or “Bipolar Disorder”. If you have symptoms of depression, hypomania or mania, if you have mixed characteristics such as mood swings, it is a warning sign.

However, the first episode of bipolar disorder is usually manifested by depressive symptoms, and the onset time of manic disorder is relatively short, so patients are often diagnosed with depression. Taking antidepressant drugs not only has poor efficacy or even worsens. bipolar disorder! Dr. Huang Zhiqun reminded that the risk of bipolar disorder is high, such as easy conflicts with others, financial problems, inappropriate sexual behavior, etc., and the suicide rate is 10-20 times higher than that of ordinary people, and 3-5 times higher than that of depression. Patients must pay attention to their own conditions .

Traditional medicines are risky, neuroleptics fight mania and relieve depression

Dr. Chen Changsheng said that in the depressive phase of bipolar disorder, if general antidepressants are used, the risk of conversion to manic phase will increase. However, if the traditional mood stabilizer drugs are taken, if the blood concentration is too high, it will affect the stability of the central nervous system. Pregnant women also have the risk of teratogenicity, and need to draw blood to test the drug concentration. Fortunately, there is a new consensus in the field of psychiatry to use “mind stabilizers”, also known as antipsychotic drugs, which can not only fight mania, but also relieve depression.

There are many symptoms of manic disorder, and patients can choose appropriate medication according to different conditions. For example, if you are excited in the middle of the night and don’t want to sleep, you can use drowsiness drugs; if you need to concentrate on work or study, you can use drugs that do not cause drowsiness. The curative effect is good in the depressive period, and it can also be legally used in adolescents, especially when the onset of bipolar disorder is relatively young. Choosing appropriate drugs can reduce the harm to children.

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Chen Changsheng, Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychiatrist, Tai Adventist Hospital

▲Chen Changsheng, Physician of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychiatrist at Tai Adventist Hospital

There was a 14-year-old case whose parents divorced, poor academic performance, and being bullied at school. He developed self-mutilation and suicidal thoughts, and became a “hermitage”. At first, the use of antidepressant drugs did not improve. When symptoms such as auditory hallucinations, overeating, and lethargy appeared later, it was judged to be a manifestation of bipolar disorder. After using neuroleptics for half a month, my mood became much more stable. After one month, I no longer wanted to commit suicide, and even started to go out to interact with friends. In the future, I will have the opportunity to return to school.

The two physicians jointly called on the public to pay more attention to symptoms of mania or hypomania, such as decreased need for sleep, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior, in addition to depression. For treatment, family and friends can also assist in awareness, empathy, companionship and listening, and at the same time build a support system with campus teachers, so that when symptoms occur, they can seek medical treatment as soon as possible and reduce regrets.

Health Medical Network reminds you: Suicide cannot solve the problem, you and I are the gatekeepers of suicide prevention.

Peace of mind hotline: 0800-788-995 (0800-please help-help me)

Teacher Zhang’s special line: 1980

Lifeline Line: 1995





source:Health and Medical Network healthnews.com.tw

★ Sanli News Network reminds you:

Bravely asking for help is not for the weak, and life will surely find a way out.Through gatekeeping 123 steps – 1 question, 2 answers and 3 referrals, both you and I can become gatekeepers of suicide prevention.

※ Peace of mind hotline: 1925 (Still Love Me)
※ Teacher Zhang’s special line: 1980
※ Lifeline: 1995
※ Anti-bullying hotline: 1953

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