Understanding and Preventing Venous Thromboembolism: A Silent but Deadly Danger

2023-10-17 10:20:00

Key Point :

talking time ‘Blood clots’ Ordinary people often think ofStroke or Coronary heart That happens mainly to arteries such as narrowing, rupture, blockage, few people know regarding it. ‘Venous Thromboembolism’ or Venous Thromboembolism (VTE), which usually occurs in the legs or lungs. In Thailand, over the past 5 years, there has been a 2-fold increase in patients with blood clots in the lungs and blood clots in the Legs increased 1.3 times

Due toworld clogged arteries day or World Thrombosis Day, which falls on October 13 every year. In 2023, Hematology Association of Thailand In collaboration with the National Cancer Institute, Bureau of Medicine Bangkok, Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University, Cancer Network Foundation and Sanofi Thailand organized a seminar on ‘Blood Thrombosis’ A silent danger that can be prevented’ to create a correct understanding of thromboembolism. There will be more than 10 medical experts from leading hospitals and institutions to provide knowledge and share experiences in treating cancer patients. People who have had surgery and other risk groups As a guideline for care and prevention

Prof. Dr. Phonphat Rojanakarin President of the Hematology Association of Thailand said that at present Deep vein thrombosis Found more and more Worldwide, 1 in 1,000 people per year and 1 in 4 people worldwide die from blood clots. Data from overseas found that venous thromboembolism is diagnosed 3rd following coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular disease.

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with 60 percent of thromboembolic disease invein Occurs while staying in the hospital or following being discharged from the hospital. And around the world, people with this disease are linked to 10 million hospital admissions per year.

Meanwhile, in Thailand in the past 5 years, the number of patients with blood clots in the lungs has increased 2 times and blood clots in the legs 1.3 times. Moreover, the number has continued to increase due to environmental factors and lifestyle changes. Over a hundred 80 percent of people with venous thromboembolism will not show any symptoms or have unclear symptoms Some people with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) may have leg pain, swollen legs, and the skin on the legs has changed color from before.

As for cases occurring in the lungs (PE), symptoms may include palpitations, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, loss of consciousness, coughing up blood, etc. Therefore, the campaign will raise awareness among society at large. Therefore helping people to understand and adjust their behavior to reduce risks. Or if you are in a high-risk group, you can provide information and request advice from doctors to find ways to prevent or treat in a timely manner.

Factors that cause deep vein thrombosis

Prof. Dr. Panthep Angchaisuksiri Hematology major Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University provides information that thromboembolism in the veins It may occur from blood coagulating and accumulating in the veins (Venous System), which is most commonly caused by inflammation in the veins.

High-risk groups that are likely to develop venous thromboembolism include cancer patients. From patient data in Asia including Thailand About 20 percent of patients with deep vein thrombosis also have some form of cancer. People who need surgery or who have been in an accident and having to stay in the hospital with little physical movement for a long time are at risk.

And another group that is often overlooked is pregnant woman This may have a 4 times higher risk of VTE than normal people and is the cause of up to 10 percent of maternal deaths. In addition, the occurrence of VTE has other factors as well, including patients with chronic diseases. The patient is unable to move. Patients who are overweight People with a family history of VTE, use of birth control pills, heavy smoking, etc.

Warning signs

Blood clots in the legs

One swollen leg May be accompanied by pain, tenderness, redness, and warmth.

pulmonary embolism

Breathlessness for no apparent reason, rapid breathing, chest pain that is worse when breathing deeply. fast heartbeat Dazed and may lose consciousness

*If not treated in time, blood clots in the legs may escape and clog the lungs.

*Must receive timely treatment There is a chance of death.

Risk factors for blood clots

Pregnancy, obesity, smoking, increasing age, cancer, other physical diseases such as heart disease, following surgery that requires prolonged bed rest. Sitting in the same position for many hours

Reduce the risk

Avoid risk factors including obesity, drinking alcohol, and be careful of dehydration when sick. thicken the blood Circulation decreases. Exercise improves blood circulation. move regularly When you have to stay in one place for a long time Inform the doctor regarding this if you have to go to the hospital if you have had blood clots in the past. Wear elastic stockings Helps blood flow better.

Occurrence of venous thromboembolism in patients

Associate Professor Dr. Piyanuch Putrakul, Department of Surgery Ramathibodi Hospital shared interesting information and statistics that Risk of birth Venous thromboembolism (VTE) in post-surgery patients is not uniform. It depends on the procedural factors and the patient’s own factors as well. Procedures that have a high risk of VTE are hip and knee replacements. and neurosurgery. In addition, the duration of surgery The degree of severity of the injured tissue and the period of not being able to walk following surgery It also affects the occurrence of VTE.

Today, the medical community can prevent VTE in surgical patients in several ways, such as providing anticoagulants. Currently, thromboembolic disease prevention in hospitals can be done using injections and oral medications to prevent clotting. Trying to get the patient to move Inserting a stimulant to massage the muscles in the legs. Put on medical stockings or get up and walk properly Including educating patients regarding prevention.

Assess patient risk

Ramathibodi Hospital It has piloted a pre-surgery patient risk assessment to identify which patients are at risk for VTE and provide appropriate protection to keep them as safe from VTE as possible. Injectable drugs are expected to It is one option that is appropriate for the condition of patients who are admitted to the hospital. Or continuous injections at home are effective and safe for all groups of patients. both cancer patients surgical patient and pregnant women Some types of injectable drugs are already included in the National List of Essential Medicines. Covers all disbursement rights including health insurance cards, social security and government officials.

From information from Ramathibodi Hospital It was found that following issuing measures to prevent venous thromboembolism following surgery patients, the incidence of VTE decreased satisfactorily and death from venous thromboembolism was prevented. The said prevention measures have been shown to be very economically worthwhile, meaning they cost little but provide maximum benefits. And it’s something that a team of medical personnel can do.

This is compared to the amount of damage that can occur if disease is allowed to occur unprotected. Early protection It is something that the hospital management sector Various agencies The level of care for this matter should be raised even more. To increase your chances of surviving venous thromboembolism.

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