2023-09-15 22:01:00
[이투데이/유혜은 기자](Image Today)
Vaginitis is a very common female disease, so much so that it is called ‘women’s cold’. During seasonal changes with large daily temperature differences, it may occur or recur as immunity decreases. If symptoms worsen, they may worsen into cystitis or pelvic inflammatory disease, so timely detection and treatment are important.
Depending on the cause, vaginitis can be broadly divided into candidal vaginitis, bacterial vaginitis, and trichomoniasis. Candida vaginitis is caused by infection by the Candida fungus. It is known that 75% of women experience it.
Candida exists in balance with normal bacteria in the vagina in a healthy state, but it can be caused by hormonal changes such as menstruation, decreased immunity, taking antibiotics, wearing tight clothes, eating foods that increase sugar in urine, and changes in living environment. If the balance is broken due to the cause, it proliferates in the body and leads to vaginitis.
The main symptoms of candidal vaginitis include itching and burning of the vulva, white and thick discharge, and pain during urination. In particular, 70% of candidal vaginitis is accompanied by candidal vulvovaginitis, which can cause severe vulvar itching (itching) that can be so uncomfortable that it is difficult to concentrate on daily life.
Bacterial vaginosis occurs when lactic acid bacteria called ‘Lactobacilli’, which keep the vagina acidic, decrease and anaerobic bacteria proliferate. It is believed to occur when the acidic environment in the vagina where lactic acid bacteria can live is lost due to frequent sexual intercourse, excessive vaginal discharge, or excessive mucus secretion caused by a weakened cervix.
A symptom of bacterial vaginosis is vaginal discharge that is white or gray in color and has a very fishy smell. The smell becomes stronger before or following menstruation or following sexual intercourse. On the other hand, itching is not common. Once Lactobacilli disappears, it is difficult to recolonize and is prone to recurrence.
Trichomonas vaginitis is caused by a protozoan called Trichomonas vaginalis, a type of parasite. Unlike candidal vaginitis or bacterial vaginitis, it is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted through sexual intercourse, and both men and women must receive treatment together.
In particular, it is highly contagious, and it is known that regarding 70% of men will become infected if they have just one sexual contact with a woman infected with Trichomonas. Additionally, because it changes the normal acidic environment in the vagina, it can cause other vaginitis such as bacterial vaginosis.
Symptoms vary depending on the number of causative bacteria, but may include pus-like vaginal discharge with a strong foul odor and sometimes itching of the vulva. However, if the number of bacteria is small, there are often no clear symptoms.
To prevent vaginitis, you must maintain a healthy vaginal environment. When washing, it is recommended to use a slightly acidic feminine cleanser less than twice a week instead of alkaline soap. After washing, dry the vulva well and avoid wearing tight underwear or clothes to allow for ventilation. If your immunity is low, vaginitis is more likely to occur, so you need enough sleep, rest, and regular lifestyle habits.
[이투데이/유혜은 기자([email protected])]
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