Understanding and Managing Ruptured Ovarian Cysts: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

2023-10-07 12:48:42

03:47 PM Saturday 07 October 2023

Written by: Hoda Abdel Nasser:

Burst ovarian cysts is a medical condition that occurs when the cysts on the ovary rupture. It often occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the body or increased physical or psychological stress, which requires consulting a specialist doctor as soon as any symptoms appear.

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In the following report, Al-Consulto reviews the most prominent symptoms of ruptured ovarian cysts, according to the Verywellhealth website.

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Symptoms of ruptured ovarian cysts

There are many symptoms that reveal ruptured ovarian cysts, including:

– Severe pain in the lower abdomen.

– Vaginal bleeding.

– Nausea.

– Severe vomiting.

– fever.

– Dizziness.

– Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area.

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Causes of ovarian cysts bursting

The results of some studies have proven that there is no clear reason for ovarian cysts to burst, but there are some factors that increase the chances of bursting, including:

– Doing vigorous exercise.

– Previous rupture of ovarian cysts.

– Violence during intimate relations.

– The cysts are abnormally large in size.

Are ovarian cysts dangerous?

The results of some studies have shown that the rupture of ovarian cysts does not threaten life, and women can heal on their own without following up with a specialist doctor, but there are some complications that may occur after ovarian cysts rupture, including:

– Infection.

– Ovarian torsion.

– Heavy bleeding.

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Diagnosis of ruptured ovarian cysts

Burst vaginal cysts are usually diagnosed by ultrasound, as this method shows the presence of fluid around the ovary and may reveal the presence of ulcers. Some tests can also be performed, such as a complete blood count to ensure that there is no infection, as well as an ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy or pelvic infection. Or appendicitis.

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Treatment of burst ovarian cysts

Women often do not need treatment after ovarian cysts burst, but doctors may prescribe some medications to relieve the severe pain resulting from the explosion, in addition to the need to rest for a day or two to avoid exposure to any health complications.

In addition, you must immediately consult a specialist doctor and go to the hospital in the event of severe bleeding, because this requires surgical intervention to save the woman and prevent excessive blood loss.

Read also: 5 home remedies to get rid of polycystic ovary syndrome

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