Understanding and Managing Hourglass Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

2023-08-26 22:16:02

‘Hourglass syndrome’, a state of strength in the stomach… Several side effects may occur

Enter 2023.08.27 07:15 Views 2,097 Enter 2023.08.27 07:15 Edit 2023.08.26 20:10 Views 2,097

In order to appear as if they have a skinny and firm belly, many people tighten their stomach to hide it. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]If a poopy belly comes out and the clothes don’t come out, give strength to the belly. Usually, I breathe comfortably unconsciously, but the moment I consciously care regarding my stomach, I put strength into my stomach and put it in. In order to appear as if they have a skinny and firm belly, many people tighten their stomach to hide it.

These trivial habits can lead to a health condition called ‘hourglass syndrome’. The British daily newspaper The Sun explained the symptoms and solutions of hourglass syndrome. Hourglass Syndrome refers to problems that can occur if you breathe in and hold your stomach in a relaxed state instead of letting it sit naturally.

According to experts at MedicineNet, a medical information platform, the diaphragm, a muscle originally located below the lungs, expands outward when breathing in, helping the lungs expand as well. However, when we breathe with strength in the abdomen, the diaphragm of our body goes inward, not out.

Medicinenet experts advised, “It may seem that these habits make an hourglass-shaped belly or a narrower waist, but it is better to refrain from the habit of straining the belly for a long time.” This is because it prevents the body from moving naturally and causes various side effects.

Hourglass syndrome can cause back pain in the first place. The diaphragm of our body plays an important role in stabilizing the lower back by being located below the waist. If you force your stomach, the diaphragm cannot function as it should, and muscles other than the diaphragm try to replace the function, causing back pain.

It can also cause neck pain. This is because the chest and shoulders lift when you breathe if you forcefully block the belly from expanding naturally outward. The diaphragm also acts as an esophageal sphincter to prevent stomach contents from going up into the throat.

The pelvic floor muscles are also strained. According to Dr. Taylor, an anatomist at the University of Lancaster in England, force in the abdomen can reduce abdominal volume and place a load on the pelvic floor muscles. In addition, as the ability of the abdominal muscles to absorb shock is reduced, the spine and pelvic joints can be strained.

Hourglass syndrome can be caused by poor muscle growth from an early age without deliberately straining the stomach. In some cases, the syndrome appears as a defensive response to pain.

It can be solved through habit improvement or treatment. The best thing to do is to strengthen your abdominal core muscles through exercise. Physical therapy can also be used to relieve tension in other parts of the body and help you use your diaphragm properly.

◆ Article help: Choi Hye-rim, intern reporter

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