Understanding and Managing Agitated Depression: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

2023-12-15 04:12:25

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  • Psyche
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    Instead of listlessness, agitated depression presents with motor restlessness. The symptoms cannot be controlled by those affected.

    According to the, the typical symptoms of classic depression include: German depression aid for example, depressed mood, lack of drive and lack of interest or joy. However, depression does not always manifest itself with its characteristic clinical picture. People who suffer from high-functioning depression, for example, appear successful on the outside, while they are often desperate inside. And in contrast to listlessness, increased motor activity – also known as agitation – can also be a sign of a specific form of depression. Doctors then speak of a so-called agitated depression.

    Agitated depression: Restlessness as a typical symptom of mental illness

    Patients with agitated depression usually suffer from inner tension and restlessness. © Igor Stevanovic/IMAGO

    According to a definition from the Medical Dictionary Psychrembel online In agitated depression, the focus is on fear, restlessness and psychomotor symptoms – in contrast to so-called inhibited depression. Rather, this is characterized by a lack of motivation and inhibition of thinking. Instead of lack of exercise and inhibition of drive, those affected by the agitated form often show the following symptoms:

    • restless movements
    • constantly repeating the same questions
    • plaintive description of the complaints

    Agitation (or agitation) can be described as an unproductive exaggeration of non-pathological behavior, such as Oberberg Clinics information on their website. Complaints such as internal tension and restlessness often manifest themselves in motor activity “that goes beyond what is generally considered ‘normal’.” Patients with agitated depression therefore have a pathological urge to exercise.

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    Agitated depression: How the mental illness manifests itself

    The symptom complex of inner tension and restlessness in agitated depression includes the influence of the psyche on body movements. Twitching, trembling and tics are among the spontaneous movements that can occur in this form of depression. Frequent pacing back and forth, “playing” with the body (e.g. with hair) or with objects, pulling on clothing, or fidgeting can also occur. In addition, sitting still is often only possible for a short time or not at all. However, patients cannot control these symptoms.

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    Are you depressed? With telephone pastoral care you can get help around the clock – every day of the year: call 0800 1110111 or 0800 1110222. The call is free of charge. Your phone number will not be transmitted and you do not have to say your name. The conversation lasts as long as necessary.

    This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team cannot answer individual questions about medical conditions.

    #symptoms #typical #form

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