Understanding and Managing ADHD: Join Dys Indigo ADHD Association for Support and Resources

2024-04-19 19:52:00

ADHD, 4 letters that we hear more and more about. We suspect it’s an acronym, one of those we think we understand the general idea of, without really knowing more precisely what it’s about.

For clarification, there is Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hyperactivity, which is defined by the association of attention deficit, motor hyperactivity and impulsivity. This neurodevelopmental disorder often appears in childhood, and the causes are still unknown. It constitutes a real handicap for the affected child and his family. In France, it is estimated that 5% of children are affected by ADHD. It is therefore important to understand ADHD and know how to control it.

This is why the Dys Indigo ADHD association was created in Fleury-d’Aude, with the aim of helping parents, teachers, AESH, Atsem, facilitators and even ADHD professionals, who are or may be in contact with children who suffer from this syndrome, which is often difficult to manage, by helping them to better understand and better understand ADHD.

At the initiative of this approach, Marie-Pascale Laurent and Xavier Chacon are directly concerned about this problem since the couple are parents of two children aged 11 and 13, both suffering from ADHD. The idea came naturally to them to offer families a way to talk about this topic, which is not always easy to approach, and to develop strategies that allow the child to flourish despite the illness.

First meeting on Monday

A first meeting will be organized on Monday 22 April in the presence of Marianne Tennessel, a clinical psychologist with experience in ADHD. In order to provide regular follow-up of support to families, health personnel or teachers, the meetings will continue with one meeting per month.

To register for meetings, discuss your experiences or simply get in touch, you can contact Marie-Pascale Laurent on 06 47 69 99 96 or go to the association’s Facebook page: TDAH Dys Indigo or send an email to the address: associationtdahdysindigo @outlook.fr.
#ADHD #association #support #children #created #FleurydAude

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