Undersecretary or councilor, Lombardy approves the incompatibility for Sgarbi

2023-05-02 10:38:35

The office of councilor of the Lombardy Region held by Vittorio Sgarbi is “incompatible” with the post of Undersecretary of State for Culture: the incompatibility was decided by the Lombardy Regional Council at the opening of today’s session. The councilor of the Noi Moderati group will now have ten days within which he will have to opt for one of the two positions, following which the office of regional councilor will automatically lapse. In place of Sgarbi, should he opt for the post of undersecretary, Nicolas Gallizi, elected from the Milan constituency, will take over the Council for Us Moderates.

At the moment, Sgarbi holds a dozen positions: in addition to being undersecretary for culture and Lombard regional councilor, he is mayor of Sutri, in Lazio, councilor for culture of nearby Viterbo, pro-mayor of Urbino, commissioner for the arts of Codogno, president of the Ferrara Foundation art, the Mart of Trento, the Mag of Riva del Garda and the Gypsotheca of Canova.

The lack of office of councilor in Lombardy

Absent from the courtroom today for the third session of the Lombardy Regional Council, Sgarbi only participated in the assembly’s first inaugural meeting, when he contested the choice of Francesca Caruso as head of the Culture Department, an appointment to which Sgarbi himself aspired and which he had judged “politically wrong”.

At the electoral round of 12 and 13 February 2023, Sgarbi obtained 873 preferences in the Milan constituency, but even before the vote he had said he wanted to resign in favor of the second in the list with Noi Moderati. However, he had explained, “not having received the proposal, which I might reflect on, to be a commissioner instead of an undersecretary in Rome, it is clear that I will return to Rome shortly”.

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