Under what circumstances can Irish soldiers in Lebanon use force to defend themselves?

Under what circumstances can Irish soldiers in Lebanon use force to defend themselves?

We Need Your Help Now: Your Support for Independent Journalism

We need your help now

Support from readers like you keeps The Journal open.

You are visiting us because we have something you value. Independent, unbiased news that tells the truth. Advertising revenue goes some way to support our mission, but this year it has not been enough.

If you’ve seen value in our reporting, please contribute what you can, so we can continue to produce accurate and meaningful journalism. For everyone who needs it.

So, let’s break this down, shall we? The lovely folks at The Journal are waving their little flag, saying, “Excuse me, kind reader, but it seems we’ve run out of petrol in our journalism tank!” And who could blame them? Doing the whole truth-telling thing in a world full of misinformation is a bit like trying to weave a silk scarf from spaghetti. You just can’t do it without a proper loom—or in this case, proper funding.

If you’ve been enjoying the delightful buffet of news they serve, it’s time to whip out that wallet of yours. Yes, the one that’s usually reserved for takeout and impulse Amazon purchases! Because let’s be honest, we’ve all been there. You flick on the news, and it’s like watching a particularly messy game of Jenga—one wrong move, and everything crashes down!

Moreover, think of the alternative! Would you prefer reading articles brought to you by dubious sponsorships? “Brought to you by The Big Rubber Duck Corporation: where the news is just like our products – inflated!” No, thank you!

The Journal is your safe haven, your oasis in the desert of clickbait! So, how about treating them as you would your favorite pub? You wouldn’t just enjoy the pints and not throw a fiver on the bar, right? Support the ones who serve you the straight dope, the ones holding the mirror up to society while making sure it’s clean enough to actually see your reflection!

Your contribution isn’t just a donation; it’s a vote for integrity. It’s the difference between scrolling through headlines that make you weep versus reading something that ignites a spark of hope, or at least gives you a moment of laughter with a healthy dose of sarcasm—because, let’s face it, we all need those moments!

So, if you value the independent journalism that The Journal offers, consider chipping in a few coins—change you can actually feel good about! And say no to the murky waters of sensationalism. Let’s support the lighthouse keepers of the truth!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go check my couch for loose change. Every little helps, right?



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