Under provisional administration and 10 other measures to improve the quality of water and electricity service –

In the latest press release (065) of the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), made public this Tuesday by the Special Advisor, Spokesperson for the President of the CTRI, Colonel Ulrich Manfoumbi Manfoumbi, important decisions were announced to put an end to “the multifaceted crisis in which the SEEG has been sinking for several years, leading to supply cuts and load shedding, in contempt of users whose patience has reached its limits. Beyond the delay in terms of infrastructure, it clearly appears that the situation of the SEEG is first and foremost the result of weaknesses and management errors”, the CTRI is indignant.

The SEEG will therefore be immediately placed under provisional administration and the provisional administrator will be appointed at the end of the next Council of Ministers, announced the Special Advisor to the President of the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions.

Ulrich Manfoumbi Manfoumbi (center) listing the upcoming reforms at SEEG

Ulrich Manfoumbi Manfoumbi also reported on the overhaul of the SEEG organization chart with more national verticality and an organization focused on efficiency, simplicity and control, with technical profiles; the transition from 51 directors or similar to 14 and 21 divisional directors and the renegotiation of the debt with a repayment plan.

Future reforms also include the digitalisation and security of the entire IT system and the overhaul of the customer journey; the creation of a security and anti-fraud department headed by a member of the CTRI; the reduction of the salary of executives and managers, the new scale applying to the provisional administration; and the establishment of an operation ”1 Gabonese – 1 counter” in order to resolve the nagging problem of meter availability.

Among the reforms announced, we finally note the progressive standardization of meter models to have only one model in the long term; the replacement of doubtful meters and the continuation of audits and investigations in progress.

Furthermore, in order to preserve the interests and social rights of workers, “no reduction in staff is planned and staff salaries will not be impacted”said the Spokesperson for the President of the CTRI, who then announced the delivery to SEEG of 18,000 single-phase meters and 4,500 three-phase meters on Friday, August 30.

From now on, single-phase meters will be installed at a cost of 70,000 CFA francs, instead of 140,000 CFA francs and three-phase meters at 120,000 CFA francs, instead of 280,000 CFA francs. The installation of meters beyond these rates will expose the perpetrators to the rigors of the law, he insisted.

Alph’-Whilem Eslie

2024-08-27 21:25:26
#provisional #administration #measures #improve #quality #water #electricity #service



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