Under pressure from teachers, Jean-Michel Blanquer forced into dialogue

It is a real change of tone and method that the government has made with the urgently organized consultation following the large-scale mobilization of national education personnel, Thursday, January 13. It brought together for more than three hours the trade unions, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, and the ministers of national education and health, Jean-Michel Blanquer and Olivier Véran (by videoconference because of Covid-19). “It was a moment of good discussions to move forward on concrete points “, Recognized Jean-Michel Blanquer at his end. ” It is important to return to a climate of trust », he added.

Read also Strike of January 13 in national education: a mobilization to demand “more resources for the school” and “respect for teachers”

Faced with the anger and the feeling of being despised – even abandoned – expressed by staff confronted with incessant changes in health protocols, this time for discussion, led by the Prime Minister, marks a turning point. The Minister of National Education also ensures that he wants to continue discussions regularly. From now on, meetings will be held every two weeks with trade unions and the ministries of national education, and of health and solidarity. “We need to explain the field of constraints in which we work to share information, which will allow us to understand why sometimes decisions must undergo very rapid adaptations”, underlined Jean-Michel Blanquer, who announced a series of measures.

On the health side, 70 million surgical masks are being dispatched for staff and 5 million FFP2 masks will be made available to kindergarten teachers who request them. About CO sensors2, the fund of 20 million euros to help local authorities has not yet been “Fully used but will be replenished if necessary”, we let Matignon know.

Read also Strike of January 13 at school: how are the strike rates published by the Ministry of National Education calculated?

Vigilant unions

“It is true that the Covid creates absences and we must provide for these replacements”, also recognized in a rather new way the Minister of National Education. Some 3,300 contract workers will be recruited soon. They are part of the 6,000 replacement positions already announced but will be the subject of longer contracts of six months. In addition, 1,500 educational assistants are to come and reinforce the school life teams and 1,500 additional administrative contractors will support school directors and heads of establishments.

On the educational component, the mid-year assessments of CP, which were to start on January 17, are postponed “To a deadline which remains to be defined”. The possible postponement of the specialty teaching exams for the bac, which must take place in March with the reform in force, will also be the subject of discussions and consultations. Between the absences of the students and those of the teachers, the already busy schedule is proving extremely difficult to keep, according to the teachers.

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