Uncovering the Truth behind the Forgotten RYB Kindergarten Incident in China: Child Abuse, Power Intervention, and Conspiracy Theories

2023-06-09 04:53:28

On the left is a joint work published by 100 Chinese designers on WeChat, expressing their concerns about the Beijing RYB Kindergarten incident. …

【2023. 6. 9 China】

The Forgotten Chinese RYB Kindergarten Incident: The Child Abuse Storm of Needling and Feeding Drugs, and the Truth Investigation of Dishonesty?

“The RYB Kindergarten incident that caused a huge panic in Chinese society, who will believe the truth later?” The “Red, Yellow, and Blue Kindergarten Incident” that once caused a sensation in Chinese society in 2017, many parents reported that their children were needled and fed medicine, and suspected sex The appalling rumors of the invasion sparked outrage in Chinese public opinion. Although the investigation results came out a week later, only one teacher was sentenced to one and a half years in prison, the video of the monitor was inexplicably damaged, and the statement that “a few parents fabricated rumors” failed to win the trust of the public and became China’s A puzzle that obscures the truth in the eyes of society. Over the past five years since the incident, the RYB Preschool Education Group still has similar scandals one after another, but no matter how the storm of public opinion spreads, it finally calms down after being gently put down.

In the appalling Beijing RYB Kindergarten incident in the past, officials believed that the whole case had long since ended, but the rumors of drug feeding and sexual assault at the beginning were really rumors spread by parents? Rumors that the People’s Liberation Army may be involved in the rumors only end with the sentence “pure rumors”? Why is there no evidence for the content of the repaired monitor after it was damaged? Why did the parents who defended their rights keep silent? Is it a conspiracy theory of power intervention, or who is lying? The forgotten incident of China’s RYB kindergarten is still a mystery to this day.

▌Previous summary: “Forcibly feeding unknown drugs, acupuncture young children: Beijing RYB Kindergarten child abuse, shocking China”

The RYB Kindergarten incident occurred in 2017 at the “Xintiandi Branch” of the RYB Group located in Chaoyang District, Beijing. On November 22, 2017, the parents of the kindergarten’s International Primary 2 Class (bilingual education class) found that their children had multiple “unidentified pinholes” in the lower body. Many children tremblingly expressed to their parents that “the teacher forced everyone to swallow white pills “, Angry parents reported to the police one after another, and surrounded the kindergarten on November 23, demanding that the kindergarten come forward and explain.

In 2017, a child abuse incident broke out at the “Xintiandi Branch” of the RYB Group in Chaoyang District, Beijing.Figure / Archyde.com
Outside the park where the incident happened, Beijing parents who asked for an explanation.Photo / Associated Press

After the news was exposed, the parents’ WeChat group conversations were forwarded, and several official media including CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, China News Service, and People’s Daily reported, causing huge social shock. Parents’ accusations of needle injections, drug feeding, and even alleged sexual abuse of young children, as well as rumors on the Internet that heavy-armed troops of the People’s Liberation Army guarding Beijing were also involved in collective sexual abuse of children, all caused public opinion in China at the time. Extremely frightened.

After the parents reported the case on November 22, the kindergarten explained to the public on the 23rd, but claimed that “only one or two parents’ complaints were received”, and that everything in other classes was normal, and no teachers were dismissed or suspended. His attitude immediately ignited the indignation of Chinese public opinion. But at the same time, the investigators in Chaoyang District have collected evidence on the case on the same day. Three teachers in the class where the incident occurred were investigated and temporarily suspended. They also obtained the storage hard disk of the class monitor.

After about a week of investigation into the case, the Chaoyang District Police in BeijingAnnouncement of results on November 28a 22-year-old female teacher Liu Moumou (real name: Liu Yanan) involved in the case was arrested. So-and-so has been criminally detained.”

The paradox is that the monitor hard disk that recorded child abuse evidence was “coincidentally damaged”. After testing, it was said that “the damage was caused by multiple power outages.” Later, the technical department recovered about 113 hours of length Surveillance video, the result is that “no one has been found to have violated children.”

However, the suspicion of feeding pills and sexual assault that the parents complained about was only briefly stated in the official investigation, “it is a fabrication of some parents, not a fact.” Later, it was stated that the authorities would severely punish related incidents, and the whole case came to an end after entering the judicial process.

Although the RYB educational institution also issued a public statement apologizing, the angry public opinion failed to calm down. At that time, the Chinese community was even more skeptical. The investigation statement was not detailed enough, and the damage to the surveillance video raised doubts. As for the so-called “individual parents fabricating lies”, although the person involved apologized and admitted, the accusations made by various parents and media interviews since the incident occurred , the outside world is still quite suspicious, especially in the investigation of cases in China that has always lacked transparency and fairness. The Beijing police’s statement has been discredited by the public.

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After the suspected child abuse incident occurred in the Beijing Red Yellow Blue Kindergarten, 100 designers posted on Weibo after the Beijing police announced the results of the investigation…

But no matter how doubtful, the RYB kindergarten incident ended here; one year later, on December 26, 2018, the first instance of the whole case sentenced the teacher involved in the case, Liu Yanan, to “use needle-like objects to injure several young children, and his behavior was serious. Damaged the physical and mental health of minors, which constituted the crime of abusing care recipients.” Liu Yanan was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison, and at the same time, he was prohibited from engaging in any care and education work for minors within 5 years after the execution of the sentence.

This verdict once again aroused dissatisfaction among Chinese public opinion, who believed that the sentence of one and a half years in prison was too light. In addition, Liu Yanan still refused to accept the appeal, believing that there was “insufficient evidence of the crime” and insisted that he was not guilty. His attitude made the Chinese people even more angry. Half a year later, on June 11, 2019, the judgment of the second instance was pronounced. The judge rejected the appeal and upheld the original judgment.

Is it over? Red, Yellow and Blue Preschool Education Group (NYSE: RYB), which was listed on the New York Stock Exchange before the incident, experienced a sharp drop in its stock price after the child abuse storm. The park is also expanding. To this day, the affiliated kindergartens of the RYE Group can still be seen in various provinces and cities in China, focusing on “constructing a harmonious and interactive children’s education ecosystem of early education, kindergartens, childcare, and quality education.”

But the doubts of the Chinese people have not been eliminated. Although many years have passed since the incident in 2017, we still see doubts about the incident on Weibo and WeChat platforms from time to time, and the keyword “the truth of the red, yellow and blue incident has been covered up” has appeared several times on Baidu search ; Moreover, the parents who were indignant and defending their rights at the beginning disappeared one by one in front of the public, which inevitably made people feel a sense of disobedience. Compared with the official investigation of the truth, the public is more suspicious of the conspiracy theory behind the incident, which may be covered up by power.

In September 2017, RYB Education was listed in the United States.Figure / Archyde.com
In 2015, children from the Red, Yellow and Blue Kindergarten organized by Feihong Community in Hefei City, Anhui Province visited the training of the Anhui Provincial Armed Police Corps…

In 2020, the “Bao Yuming incident” that sexually abused his young wife and adopted daughter will break out, another horrific case involving child abuse, and the red, yellow and blue incident will once again be recalled by Chinese netizens.

In fact, RYB preschool education group has more than one problem:

In December 2015, nearly 30 children were needled and injured in many places at the Tiexi District Campus of Siping City, Jilin Province.

, and threaten children not to tell their parents. Afterwards, the four teachers involved were sentenced to 2 years and 6 months to 2 years and 10 months in prison.

In April 2017, RYB Beijing Dahongmen branch kindergarten reported that the teacher kicked and beat the child, and then the principal was suspended.

On November 27, 2017, at the Canal Branch of Cangzhou, Hebei, RYL, some parents also reported child abuse.

On January 25, 2019, Daniel, a Colombian teacher, molested

After molesting the girls in the garden, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison and deported.

On April 12, 2021, at the Ruijin branch of RYB in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, a male teacher posted three “Boys” on WeChat.

“Smell the soles of adult feet” and wrote “Cultivate m from childhood”, then the teacher was suspended and detained for 7 days to close the case.

But many times, the RYB Education Group was always able to get down safely, and the successive cases seemed to have not been rectified and investigated to convince the public. On April 21, 2021, shortly after the foot-scenting incident at the Ruijin Branch Park, a Weibo netizen said: “All the Weibo posts of the families of the victims of the red, yellow and blue children have been deleted…before the boy’s mother continued to defend her rights.” “, and the entry “#红黄瓜园儿童性感货#” that used to be searchable on Weibo has all disappeared in 2023.

On April 12, 2021, a male teacher posted three “Boys…

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