Uncovering the Hidden Secrets of Your Connected Devices!

2024-09-06 07:31:54

Conspiracy theories seem to be right for once. According to a confidential document from Cox Media Group, your connected devices are listening to you. But rest assured, it’s only to better sell you targeted ads…

Are your connected devices listening to you? There are plenty of anecdotes on the Internet where two people are discussing a topic, then see an ad appear on their TV or smartphone related to the conversation. This would not be a simple coincidence according to a confidential document from Cox Media Group (CMG) obtained by the site 404 MediaThe firm is highlighting its “Active Listening” functionality for selling targeted advertising.

According to the document, CMG would use the devices’ microphones to listen to user conversations, then analyze the data with artificial intelligence to then display advertisements likely to interest them. A feature implemented without their consent, and even without their knowledge. This would concern smartphones, but also televisions and connected speakers. FacebookFacebook (Meta), Bing (MicrosoftMicrosoft), GoogleGoogle et AmazonAmazon are cited as partner sites.

This is not the first time that CMG has been singled out. In November 2023, a publication on the company’s blog claimed that it was legal to listen to users via their smartphones or devices, because “Active Listening” was included in the terms of use of the applicationsapplications concerned.

There is no need to even mention the dystopian side of this technology, since CMG made the connection in December on its own site: ” What would it mean for your business to be able to target potential customers who are actively discussing their service needs in their daily conversations? No, this isn’t an episode of Black Mirror, this is Voice Data, and CMG has the capabilities to use it to your business’s advantage. ».

404 Media contacted Meta, Microsoft, Google and Amazon, who of course denied any involvement in this matter. Google even removed CMG from its Google Partners program. However, this is most likely just the beginning of this controversy…

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Are Your⁢ Connected Devices⁤ Listening ⁣to You? The Unsettling Truth About Active Listening ‌and Targeted Advertising

Have you ever had a conversation with⁣ someone, only to see an ⁤ad pop up on your TV or smartphone related to the topic you were discussing? It’s not just a coincidence. According to a confidential document from Cox⁤ Media Group (CMG), your connected devices may be listening to you, and it’s all about targeted ‌advertising.

The Active Listening Functionality

The document, obtained by 404 ‌Media, reveals that CMG’s “Active​ Listening” functionality uses the microphones of ⁣devices such as smartphones, TVs, and connected ⁢speakers to listen⁣ to user conversations. The audio data is then analyzed using artificial intelligence to​ display advertisements that are likely to interest the users. This feature is implemented‌ without the users’ consent, ⁣and in many cases,⁣ without their knowledge.

Partners in Targeted Advertising

The document names several major tech ​companies as partner sites, including Facebook (Meta), ⁢Bing (Microsoft), Google, and Amazon. This raises concerns about the extent of data sharing and collaboration between these companies to collect and‍ analyze user data for ⁤targeted advertising.

A Lack of Transparency

This is not the first​ time⁤ CMG has been accused ‍of listening to users without​ their knowledge. In ⁤November 2023, ​a publication on the company’s blog claimed that it was legal ⁢to listen to users via their ⁣smartphones or devices, citing the terms ⁣of use of the applications concerned. However, this lack of transparency and clear communication with users raises serious concerns⁤ about⁢ data privacy and user consent.

The Dystopian Reality of Active Listening

The implications of this technology are unsettling, to say the least. The idea that our devices are constantly‌ listening to us,‌ analyzing our conversations, and using that data to ​serve us targeted ads is a dystopian nightmare come⁢ true. It’s ‌a⁢ reminder ‍that our privacy‍ is under constant threat⁣ in the digital age, and it’s up to us⁢ to be ⁤vigilant and demand more transparency and accountability from tech companies.

What Can You Do to‍ Protect Your Privacy?

While it’s impossible‌ to completely‍ opt out of targeted advertising, there are steps you can take to protect⁤ your privacy:

  1. Read the fine print: Take the time to read the terms of use and⁤ privacy policies of the apps and ⁣devices you use.
  2. Adjust your settings: Turn off microphone access for apps that don’t need it, and adjust your ad preferences to limit targeted ⁣advertising.
  3. Use privacy-focused ⁢browsers and apps: Consider using browsers ‍and apps that prioritize user ⁤privacy and​ security.
  4. Be aware of your surroundings: Be mindful of your conversations and surroundings when using devices⁢ with microphones.


The Active Listening​ functionality revealed by CMG is a stark ‌reminder of the importance of data ​privacy and user consent. As technology continues to evolve, ⁢it’s up⁤ to us to demand⁤ more transparency and accountability from tech⁤ companies. By taking steps to protect our privacy and⁣ staying informed about the latest developments in targeted advertising, we can‍ maintain control over our personal data and prevent the ⁣dystopian reality of constant surveillance.

Keywords: Active Listening, Targeted Advertising, Data Privacy, User Consent, Cox Media Group, ⁤Facebook, Bing, Google, Amazon, Smartphones, TVs, Connected Speakers, Surveillance,⁤ Dystopian Reality, Privacy Protection.



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