uncontrolled drama in Regina

2023-07-29 04:30:00

The Contamination grows and expands in the Alto Valle before the proliferation of garbage dumps in vacant lots. The lack of commitment from the neighbors puts the well-being of an entire community at risk.

The main cause of the vacant lots becoming large waste deposits is the lack of environmental responsibility of many people. This situation is a constant in almost all neighborhoods on the urban periphery and is a reason for permanent complaint. from other neighbors who end up living with bad smells, at least.

In Villa Regina, they are nine the points identified as “microbasural”, but they do not rule out that there are more new polluting sources in the city’s neighborhoods.

The municipality, through the Directorate of Environment and Sustainable Development, informed that they carry out one cleaning per month of all detected sources, but on the third day they are filled once more with waste of all kinds. From debris or pruning remains, to household waste or damaged and discarded furniture items.

The director of the area; Hugo Curzel; RÍO NEGRO explained that this problem has been going on for a long timeHowever, they have noticed that in recent years it has become difficult to control and cope with.

To achieve cleanliness, the Environment area works together with Public Works since they have loaders, but they have focused on repairing streets and They are not managing to go through the neighborhoods, which ended up causing the micro dumps to collapse.

Photo: Keila Giles

In the city there is a ordinance where the owners of the land are required to fence and delimit, to avoid the origin of garbage dumps. However, the owners end up facing another problem that consists of the theft of wire fences or perimeter fences.

“It’s super complicated,” said the official consulted and added that although the residents point out that the municipality should take action on the matter, it is difficult to identify them since it is not the action of a single person but a behavior of several who repeat it.

“We cannot put one inspector per block to monitor the area. It is a matter of conscience and people seem to like living with garbage in front of the house“, critical.

The warnings are, in different parts of the city you can see the “Littering Prohibited” sign, but even so, the sectors of the city infested with garbage are not reduced. This increases concern for public health problems since the accumulation of garbage attracts other vectors such as rodents, flies and cockroaches.

“Unfortunately we do not have so many personnel to be circulating all day and Regina is a city with 54 neighborhoods, being everywhere is impossible”, Curzel pointed out.

Analyzing the situation, it can be considered that The most viable solution to put an end to this problem is in the population, because they are the ones who must become aware that there are places designated for depositing waste and others that are not.

“There are many vacant lots in Regina and people drive their cars to dump garbage. They don’t spend to get off because they throw it from the window “

Hugo Curzel, Director of Environment and Sustainable Development Regina

He Garbage collection truck passes three days a week by homes to collect household waste. Regarding the branches and remains of pruning that also gather in the vacant lots, the official explained that there is no ordinance that regulates the cleaning by the municipality, but even so, from time to time the truck does the collection.

“Ideally, the person who did the task should take the remains and not leave them in those vacant lots,” he pointed. On other occasions they have chosen to locate containers to deposit the remains, but people end up misusing them and discarding other waste until they overflow. “In the best of cases, the garbage overflows, but if not, the garbage inside there is set on fire and it becomes a danger to everyone,” he launched.

The overflow of garbage that reaches the streets and burning are two other factors that threaten not only health but also the environment. That is why those who do it are sanctioned, but to stop the action, the sources seem to multiply.

“The most unfortunate thing is the money that is spent because that cleaning it means machines, diesel, time and that money might perhaps be used in other things that benefit to the city”, concluded the Environment official.

Municipal ordinance: what does it establish?

Municipal ordinance 98/05 establishes that holders of vacant lots should be regularly weeded and cleaned thereof

In these cases, the owners have a period of 10 days to carry out the work.

In case of non-compliance, the municipality does the cleaning and later notifies the Department of Economy and Finance to incorporate the service in the remuneration rates.

In the rural area of ​​Roca, an important garbage dump. Photo: Alejandro Carnevale

In Regina there are 9 sources identified as micro-dumps located in different parts of the city, but they do not rule out that there are more.

#uncontrolled #drama #Regina



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