Unconscious for 4 Years: The Remarkable Story of Faris Abu Batnain’s Recovery and Surprises in a Changed World

2023-07-05 23:41:15

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Citizen Faris Abu Batnain recounted the details of his unconsciousness for more than 4 years. Because of a traffic accident, indicating that after he regained consciousness, he was surprised by the Corona pandemic and women driving the car.

And he said during an interview with Al-Arabiya channel: “I had an accident in 1441, and I was accompanied by two of my friends, and our car hit a camel, and the two died while God wrote a new life for me, and my life rate was 9%, and I entered a coma and lost memory for 4 years to the date of 28-8- 1444.

And he continued: “I began to pay attention, I felt a little, and I asked for a Qur’an, and I sealed the Qur’an.” And he added: “I saw a lot of change in the country, women driving cars, a great urban development, ascent to space, and I was surprised by the Corona pandemic, and I did not imagine this pandemic occurring.” .

He added: “After the accident, my wife was employed, and she assumed the responsibility of raising the children until my return, and praise be to God that he brought me together with them again.”

#Including #women #driving #car. #Witness #citizen #reveals #prominent #surprised #woke #coma #lasted #years

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