Uncommon Signs of Cancer: Understanding the Lesser-Known Symptoms for Early Detection

2023-06-20 09:56:28

There are common symptoms of cancer that most people know, such as inexplicable weight loss, or the appearance of a lymph node in a particular area of ​​the body, but some signs may go unnoticed, while health experts stress the importance of early detection, as it enhances the chances of recovery.

Cancer Research UK’s Julie Sharp says detecting cancer at an early stage increases the chances of successful treatment.

Among those uncommon signs of cancer; Feeling tired, in addition to indigestion and hoarseness, which are changes that the individual should not neglect if they appear.

According to the British newspaper “The Sun”, there are 6 prominent symptoms that are not widely known about cancer:

1. Persistent indigestion and heartburn:

These two things happen to people frequently, but if they last for a long time and are not eliminated, there is reason for vigilance.

This is caused by acids that irritate the stomach and even the throat, and may be made worse by foods and drinks such as coffee, tomatoes and spicy foods.

Smokers, along with pregnant women, are among the groups most at risk of indigestion.

2. Constant bloating:

This is fairly normal, especially in people with health disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.

But if the bloating continues for several days, and may extend to weeks, it is better to consult a doctor for reassurance.

Flatulence is among the symptoms of ovarian cancer, so it is not related to excessive food or eating some meals.

3. Fatigue

It is normal for people to feel tired, especially after long days of work, because the body is not an iron machine, however, feeling tired all the time warns of a possible disorder in health.

Persistent fatigue, the causes of which are not clearly known, may be among the symptoms of leukemia, and the reason is that the latter begins in the bone marrow, which produces red blood cells that carry oxygen through the blood.

4. Mouth ulcers:

In the event that it appears on the mouth and tongue, and continues for more than three weeks, what is required is to consult a doctor and not neglect the matter.

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This ulcer is a possible indicator of oral cancer, and may lead to difficulty swallowing food or even speaking.

5. Cough and hoarseness:

These two symptoms accompany several diseases, some of which are as simple as a cold, but the length of the cough requires attention, as if it lasts for more than three weeks.

The same applies to hoarseness, especially if it lasts for more than ten days, because it may be related to throat cancer.

6. Night sweats:

In the event that sweating is not caused by sleeping in a poorly ventilated room or being in hot weather, it constitutes a kind of “alarm bell” to serious diseases, including cancer.

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