Drive the car to take the child to his house….walk in….he’s confused…but we have to fight Are you shocked….but hey…it’s okay to survive the barking dog at home, you have to fight…..let me tell you….before entering the house all the barking dogs….let your uncle finish the cage….Ekhae walks past…the dog is silent. All face down….He probably knows…5555….continue….When I see my father….he says…dad…hello…. I’m happy. I know. Father said Rasmi is a good person…..5555….
Arod….but it’s not over…..the headache than that is…..everyone calls Am Am, we are more confused than I can imagine…..Oh. Told to protect the old name of Mother…..Adam family very much…..and took the children to eat…worship God….run to poop….too chaotic…sigh…in the end, I flew back from Pilok pays respects to @tada_nes @leo_lista so much…. @cckiikcc I love you so much today…let’s just say….thank you for reading this.
#King Kong way
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