Unauthorized Napoli Baby Doll: Club Takes Measures to Protect Brand

2023-10-06 11:32:03

“This is an unofficial product, the creation of which has not been authorized in any way by the club,” Napoli said in a press release published Thursday evening, regarding a baby doll inspired by Victor Osimhen. that the company Giochi Preziosi is preparing to market. “The club has therefore taken measures to protect its interests,” he continued, without giving further details.

This Italian company markets a famous collection of dolls and infants, including the “Cicciobello Bomber” (“Bomber” means scorer in Italian), which does not use the name Osimhen or expressly refer to Naples. But like the Nigerian striker, he wears a protective mask and an azure blue jersey with the number 9, reminiscent of that of Napoli.

#Naples #threatens #prosecution #maker #toy #inspired #Victor #Osimhen

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