Unauthorized credit card charge: woman received money back

An Upper Austrian woman had 1331.12 euros debited from her credit card when she placed an order in an online shop – without authorization. The Consumer Protection Department of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor announced this on Tuesday. Although the credit card company initially refused to pay, the woman got her money back.

The woman from Upper Austria ordered clothes online. The shop told her that the goods were on their way. The consumer then received an SMS, supposedly from the post office, saying that the goods could not be delivered. For two euros, the post office would deliver the package again. The woman from Upper Austria clicked on the link in the SMS and approved the transaction. An error message appeared, she tried again, and now it worked. An unauthorized debit was made from her credit card using Apple Pay. The woman stated that she did not have an Apple device, had the card blocked and disputed the transaction.

The credit card company replied that she had acted with gross negligence and authorized the payment. Therefore, she would not receive compensation for the damage. However, AKOÖ obtained a refund. According to the Payment Services Act, gross negligence exists if the customer should have recognized that her behavior would make misuse likely.



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