UNAM summons Yasmín Esquivel to defend her thesis

Through a statement, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), formally summoned Yasmin Esquivel MossaMinister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), to defend his thesis.

This, in reference to the matter related “with misappropriation” of the texts of the theses presented in 1986 and 1987 by the official and the then student, Edgar Ulises Baez Gutierrez.

“The president of the University Ethics Committee of this University, Elisa Speckman Guerrasent a communication this followingnoon to former student Yasmín Esquivel Mossa, through which she is informed that, in terms of university legislation, will be convened by said Committee to offer the arguments and evidence it deems pertinenteither personally or through a representative, guaranteeing their right to a hearing and defense,” the statement read.

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Likewise, they highlighted that while a date for the call is set, the University Ethics Committee You will receive the documents that Yasmín Esquivel considers, in order to support her thesis work.

just last week, Enrique Gray Wiechersrector of the maximum house of studies, reiterated that a space would be given to the minister of the SCJN to defend once morest accusations of plagiarism.

“Autonomy means fully exercising freedom of expression and promoting democratic values; guarantee plurality in diversity and perform a management capacity with social responsibility and transparency“, said.



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