UN warns of risky AI development

“AI must serve humanity fairly and safely,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday. “If left unchecked, the risks posed by AI could have dire consequences for democracy, peace and stability.”

A panel of experts has warned of the dangers of increasingly realistic deepfakes as well as the development of autonomous weapons and the use of artificial intelligence by criminal and terrorist groups.

The committee called for greater global cooperation on technology, saying its development should not be left to market forces.

The committee, made up of about 40 experts from the fields of technology, law and data protection, was established by Guterres in October.

Their report, published days before the start of the high-profile “Future Summit,” raised alarm bells about the lack of global governance of AI as well as the effective exclusion of developing countries from discussions about the future of the technology.

The experts warn in their report that there is “a global governance deficit regarding AI today,” which is by its nature cross-border.

The experts called on UN members to develop mechanisms to drive global cooperation on the problem, as well as to prevent unintended spread.

“The development, deployment and use of such technology cannot be left to the whims of markets alone,” the report says.

The report first called for the creation of a group of scientific experts in the field of artificial intelligence similar to the expert forum of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose reports are the final word on the problem of climate change.

The Commission will inform the international community of emerging risks, identify research needs as well as how they can be used to alleviate hunger, poverty and gender inequality, among other goals.

This proposal has been included in the draft of the Global Digital Charter, which is still under discussion and is scheduled to be adopted on Sunday at the “Future Summit.”

“If AI risks become more serious and more concentrated, it may become necessary for member states to consider creating a more robust international institution with monitoring, reporting, verification and enforcement powers,” the report noted.

Experts acknowledge that given the rapid pace of change in AI, it would be futile to attempt to draw up a comprehensive list of the risks posed by the technology’s continuing evolution, but they have identified the risks of disinformation to democracy, increasingly realistic deepfakes, especially pornographic ones, as well as the development of autonomous weapons and the use of AI by criminal and terrorist groups.

Source: Daily Mail

#warns #risky #development
2024-09-20 16:02:14



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