UN Sounds the Alarm: Civic Freedoms Dwindle in Venezuela

The United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk regretted this Wednesday “the increase in restrictions on civic space” in Venezuela.

In response, the UN High Commissioner asked the authorities for “an open and free space for debate.”

«My office continues to receive reports of arrests as election day approaches. (July 28), including those of opposition members and their supporters,” he said during the presentation of a report in Geneva.

In this sense, he stressed that this is not a good omen, “which is why I ask that these practices end.” And he assured that both these elections and the legislative elections scheduled for 2025 “are key opportunities to respect the popular will.”

UN activities suspended in Venezuela

The UN human rights chief He recalled that the Venezuelan authorities suspended the activities of their office in the country last February.even going so far as to order the departure of its 13 employees.

The decision was “deeply regrettable” and inconsistent with the previous memorandums of understanding signed between the two parties, Türk stressed.

He also said that “recent signs indicate that the reestablishment of our office presence in Venezuela could be achieved.”

He assured that they will continue working on this matter, “with a view to ensuring that the necessary conditions are met to allow the development of the mandate” of the UN Office for Human Rights,

On the other hand, he confirmed that In the last year, your institution documented an increase in “threats”harassment and attacks against civil society actors, journalists, trade unionists and other critical voices.”

Turk denounced at least 38 cases of arbitrary detention In this regard, he mentioned the specific cases of Rocío San Miguel and Carlos Julio Rojas, “detained since February 9 and April 15, respectively, without access to a defense of their choice.”

He also recalled that the human rights defender Javier Tarazona, also arbitrarily detainedcompleted his third year in prison on Tuesday, while his health deteriorates, and he asked for his release.

Forced disappearances

The office headed by Türk has documented 28 cases of detainees in Venezuela since May 2023 whose whereabouts were hidden from their families and lawyers for periods of between two and 41 days, which could constitute forced disappearances.

He also expressed concern about the draft law on NGOs and their funding.as well as “the introduction of a law against fascism, neo-fascism and similar expressions, which contains excessively vague and broad definitions.”

“I reiterate my call to refrain from adopting legislation that would further restrict the right to participate in public affairs and the freedoms of association and expression,” he added.

“More than ever, a constructive and open dialogue between the people and state institutions is crucial to overcome deep divisions and rebuild the social contract between Venezuelans,” he stressed.

Besides, He cited some positive aspects in Venezuela, such as the recent release of two union leaders, which has brought the number of arbitrarily detained people released in the last year to 65, although many of these releases are conditional on regular appearances before judges.

Y He considered recent convictions against seven agents of the dissolved Special Action Forces (FAES) to be progress. for killings committed during security operations between 2018 and 2019, urging “full accountability” for their crackdowns on protests and other abuses.

#warns #restrictions #civic #space #Venezuela
2024-09-14 04:52:21

What specific actions has the UN ⁣High Commissioner for Human Rights urged the ⁤Venezuelan authorities ​to take regarding⁢ civic space?

United Nations High Commissioner for‌ Human Rights Expresses Concern Over Restrictions‌ on Civic Space in Venezuela

The United ⁢Nations (UN) ​High ‌Commissioner for‌ Human Rights, Volker Türk, has expressed deep regret over the increasing restrictions on civic ⁤space in Venezuela. During a⁢ presentation of a report in‍ Geneva on Wednesday, Türk‌ urged the Venezuelan‌ authorities to ensure​ an open and free space for debate, ahead of ​the upcoming elections.

Arrests and Restrictions Ahead of Elections

Türk’s office has received reports of arrests, including those of⁢ opposition members ⁢and their⁣ supporters, ⁢as election​ day approaches on July ‍28. He‍ stressed​ that this is not a good omen and called for an end to ⁢these practices. The UN High ‍Commissioner emphasized that both the upcoming ‍elections and ⁤the ​legislative elections scheduled for 2025 are key opportunities ⁣to respect the popular will.

Suspension of UN Activities⁤ in Venezuela

Türk recalled that the Venezuelan authorities suspended the activities of the​ UN human‌ rights office‌ in the country last February, ordering the departure‍ of its ⁢13 employees. He described the ⁤decision ‌as “deeply regrettable” ‍and ⁣inconsistent with previous memorandums of understanding signed between ⁢the two parties. However,⁣ he expressed hope that⁤ recent signs indicate a possible reestablishment of the ⁣UN ‌office presence in Venezuela.

Threats, Harassment, and Attacks Against Civil Society

In the⁢ last year, ⁣the UN Office for Human Rights has​ documented an⁣ increase in threats, harassment, and ‍attacks against civil society actors, journalists, trade unionists, and other critical voices. Türk denounced at least ‌38‍ cases of arbitrary detention, including those of ​Rocío ‍San Miguel and Carlos Julio Rojas, who have‍ been detained ⁣since February ⁢9 and April 15, respectively, without access to ​a defense of their choice. He also recalled the case of human rights defender Javier Tarazona, who has⁢ been ⁣arbitrarily detained for ‌three ‌years, and ‍called for​ his release.

Forced Disappearances and Concerns Over⁤ Draft Legislation

The UN‌ High Commissioner’s‍ office has⁢ documented 28 cases of⁤ detainees in Venezuela since ‍May 2023 whose whereabouts were hidden from their families and lawyers for​ periods of between two and ⁢41 days, ⁢which could constitute forced disappearances. Türk also expressed concern over the draft law on‌ NGOs and their funding, as well as the​ introduction ⁤of a law against⁤ fascism,‍ neo-fascism, and similar‌ expressions, which contains excessively vague and broad definitions.

Call for Constructive Dialogue and ⁢Respect for Human Rights

Türk reiterated his ‌call ⁢to ​refrain‍ from adopting legislation​ that would further restrict the right to participate in public affairs and the freedoms of association and expression. He stressed that a constructive and open dialogue⁣ between the people and state institutions is ‌crucial to overcome deep divisions and​ rebuild the social​ contract​ between ‌Venezuelans. Despite the concerns, Türk ⁤cited some positive aspects in Venezuela, such as the recent release⁣ of two ​union leaders.

The UN High Commissioner’s ‍concerns and calls for action come ⁢at a ⁣critical time for Venezuela, as the country prepares for elections and faces⁤ ongoing challenges ⁤to human ⁢rights and civic space.

– What actions has the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights called for regarding civic space in Venezuela?

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Expresses Concern Over Restrictions on Civic Space in Venezuela

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, has expressed regret over the increasing restrictions on civic space in Venezuela. During a recent presentation of a report in Geneva, Türk called for an open and free space for debate, highlighting the importance of respecting the popular will in the upcoming elections.

Arrests and Restrictions on Civic Space

Türk’s office has received reports of arrests, including those of opposition members and their supporters, as election day approaches. He stressed that these practices are not a good omen and must end. The High Commissioner emphasized that the elections scheduled for 2025 are key opportunities to respect the popular will and build trust.

UN Activities Suspended in Venezuela

Türk recalled that the Venezuelan authorities suspended the activities of the UN human rights office in the country last February, ordering the departure of its 13 employees. He described the decision as “deeply regrettable” and inconsistent with previous memorandums of understanding between the two parties. However, he expressed hope that recent signs indicate that the reestablishment of the UN office presence in Venezuela could be achieved.

Forced Disappearances and Arbitrary Detention

The UN High Commissioner’s office has documented an increase in threats, harassment, and attacks against civil society actors, journalists, trade unionists, and other critical voices. Türk denounced at least 38 cases of arbitrary detention, including those of Rocío San Miguel and Carlos Julio Rojas, who have been detained without access to a defense of their choice. He also recalled the case of human rights defender Javier Tarazona, who has been arbitrarily detained for three years, and whose health is deteriorating.

Furthermore, the office has documented 28 cases of detainees in Venezuela since May 2023 whose whereabouts were hidden from their families and lawyers for periods of between two and 41 days, which could constitute forced disappearances.

Call to Action

Türk urged the Venezuelan authorities to take specific actions to ensure an open and free space for debate, including the release of arbitrarily detained individuals and the cessation of harassment and attacks against civil society actors. He emphasized that building trust is the only way forward and that the upcoming elections are key opportunities to respect the popular will.

The High Commissioner’s call to action is critical in promoting and protecting human rights in Venezuela. It is essential that the Venezuelan authorities heed his concerns and take concrete steps to ensure that the civic space is respected and protected.

SEO Keywords: Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, civic space, Venezuela, arrests, restrictions, forced disappearances, arbitrary detention, human rights, election.



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