UN Secretary-General Says Kiiwu Missile Attack “Shocking…War Must End”

Rue Rocket Falls Near Guterres Stay Hotel

CNN “The worrying reality of ‘the absence of a diplomatic channel to end the war’ is revealed”

UN Secretary-General and President of Ukraine

Kiiwu (AP Photo) UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres (left) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky leave the press conference room. [우크라이나 대통령실 제공] 2022.4.29 photo@yna.co.kr

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Yeon-sook = UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who is visiting the Ukrainian capital Kiiu, said on the 28th (local time) in relation to the missile attack by the Russian army, “I heard that two rockets exploded in my city. “I was shocked,” the BBC reported.

“So this is a dramatic war,” Guterres said. “We must end this war, and we absolutely need a solution to the war.”

The missile attack came just an hour after Guterres Guterres and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky held a joint press conference in Kiiu.

This is the first attack in about a month since Russia withdrew from Kiiu at the end of last month to focus on Donbas in eastern Ukraine. This caused fires in two buildings and injured 10 people.

In particular, one of the missiles landed close to the hotel where the UN Secretary-General was staying, UN spokeswoman Stephane Dujarric said.

Dujarric, a spokesman for U.S. CBS News, told CBS News that Guterres and the visiting group were all in good health.

The Russian missile attack exposes the “alarming” reality that there is no reliable diplomatic track to end the war, CNN said.

Guterres arrived in Ukraine on the 27th after meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on the 26th to mediate the end of the war between the two sides.

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On the 28th, he toured the areas occupied by Russian troops, such as Borodianka and Bucha, and withdrew, and had a meeting with President Zelensky.

Ukrainian fire brigade extinguishing fire at Russian attack site
Ukrainian fire brigade extinguishing fire at Russian attack site

Firefighters extinguish a fire after an attack by Russian forces in Kyiv, Ukraine, on the 28th (AP Photo). On the same day that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visited Ukraine, Russia launched missile attacks across the country, including Kiiu. 2022.4.29 leekm@yna.co.kr


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