‘An important and growing public health problem’: Government registers syphilis infections

2024-09-04 09:28:00

he Ministry of Health reports What Argentina’s syphilis cases hit record high And maintaining an upward curve, it has become the sexually transmitted infection (STI) with the largest number of reported cases. In this sense, the 32,293 infections registered by the agency in 2023 are the highest in the past three decades, which is why it warns that “this remains an important and growing public health problem”.

Data comes from the last national epidemiological bulletin (BEN) Published by Health Portfolio. It was discovered the year before last A 42% increase compared to 2018with 22,734 cases. Meanwhile, the data for 2024 appear to be following the same direction, as the provisional balances up to week 33 show that there are more regularly reported cases compared to the same period in 2023.

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Compared with previous decades, The increase in incidence becomes more pronounced. In this regard, in 1994, fewer than 3,000 cases of syphilis were detected, which continued to increase until 2005. Continues to be effective, except that in comparison, fewer infections are reported (10,590 in 2020 and 12,131 in 2021).

“Beginning in 2022, cases and rates resumed their upward trend, reaching A notification rate of more than 69 cases per 100,000 residents“The Ministry of Health’s report stated.

For the most affected age groups, The 20 to 24 age group has the highest number of infectionsThis is followed by those aged 25 to 29 and those aged 30 to 35, with incidence rates of 219, 185 and 126 cases per 100,000 inhabitants respectively. About sex, it’s worth appreciating Women account for the majority (55.4%)Especially among those aged 15 to 39 and those over 50, the largest number of infections are among men.

Argentinian syphilis cases

The worst affected areas of the country are the South and Cuyofollowed by NEA and NOA, with the center below, although five years ago it was the region with the highest infection rate. However, this last figure did not appear, as cases declined but the increase was greater in other parts of Argentina. BEN details: “By 2023, the difference in notification rates between different regions will be smaller than at the beginning of the analysis period, and the positions occupied by different regions will also change.”

Between 2018 and 2023, a total of 129,620 cases of syphilis were reported to Argentina’s national surveillance system. Therefore, while in 2018 the central region had the highest notification rate (61.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants) and the lowest NOA (20.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants), the highest notification rate in 2023 will be in the southern region (89.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants). ) and the lowest center (63).

Argentinian syphilis cases

Regarding the increase in infections, the report highlights More cases and the best diagnostic tools: “In order to evaluate the observed trends, it is important to consider changes in surveillance procedures, the increasing integration of effectors into surveillance processes, and strategies to improve diagnostic opportunities as a public health measure allowing effective treatment of cases. And Interruption of the chain of transmission, all of which affects increased notification and increased incidence of syphilis in the population.

Syphilis remains an important and growing public health problem. Improved information quality and coverage constitute a strategic tool to guide and strengthen actions by different actors to prevent and control syphilis,” the announcement concluded.

Syphilis infection and symptoms

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria, according to the Department of Health Treponema pallidumIts main host is humans, mainly through sexual contact being with an infected person; passing by perinatal transmission Transplacental or during delivery, or through blood transfusion.

“Syphilis bacteria are spread especially through direct contact with wounds in the genital area. Because the initial lesions do not cause pain, or they may be located in some invisible area (e.g., internal genitalia or mouth), The person may not know they have an STI. Skin lesions that appear in the second stage of infection are highly contagious,” the agency warned.

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The natural and untreated evolution of the infection is divided into several stages, namely Many people have no symptoms or don’t notice them. exist first onecalled “primary syphilis“A pain or ulcer (called a chancre) in the mouth, anus, vagina, or penis that is usually distinct and painless. It is often accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes in the area. The pain or ulcer will go away on its own after a few days, even if not Give treatment.

The infection can progress to second stage (“secondary syphilis”), after a variable “incubation period” during which no symptoms appear. In this sense, Symptoms of secondary syphilis may appear months later. These symptoms include body rash (or hives), oral lesions, fever, swollen lymph nodes, hair loss, general malaise, and warts in the genital area. exist The third stagemay happen serious complications Examples include damage to internal organs, bones, heart and nervous system.

Beyond that, at any stage of infection, symptomatic or asymptomatic, Patients may develop neurosyphiliswhich is a bacterial infection of the brain or spinal cord. According to medical portal reports medical line plussymptoms of which include abnormal walking patterns or the inability to walk; numbness in the toes, feet, or legs; thinking problems, such as confusion or difficulty concentrating; mental problems, such as depression or irritability; headaches, seizures, or stiff neck; incontinence; tremors, or weakness, and visual impairment, including blindness.

Syphilis detection, treatment and prevention

Syphilis is diagnosed through a blood testcan be performed via extraction or rapid testing (RT), which provides preliminary results within 15 to 30 minutes of execution. In both cases, if the initial results are positive, the Ministry of Health will conduct a second confirmatory study.

Furthermore, the agency said the infection “can be cured with simple and safe treatments that are available free of charge in all public health settings.” Treatment is with antibioticsIts duration and dosage depend on the severity of the case and must be done jointly by the patient and his sexual partner.

syphilis Consistent and correct use of condoms can reduce the risk of syphilis.

In Health Portfolio they warn, If left untreated, the infection can progress and cause heart damage and neurological damage.and other consequences. Beyond that, it can infect other people.

For those who are pregnant, Infections can be spread during pregnancy and/or deliverylead to congenital syphilis. Newborns with congenital syphilis may suffer blindness, severe damage to other organs, or even death.

As for preventionthe ministry recommends Use a penile condom or oral barrierand watch for signs or symptoms; and pregnant people must Get tested from your first pregnancy consultation Get prompt treatment to avoid passing the infection to your baby.


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