UN Findings Suggest Deliberate Intent Behind Israel’s Actions in Gaza

A group of UN experts on human rights, including access to healthcare and drinking water, agreed on Monday that no one can doubt that a genocide is taking place in Gaza and that Israel had this intention from the start of the war.

“I think Israel’s genocidal intent has been demonstrated from the beginning (…) We have had numerous statements from Israeli officials saying that Palestinians are animals, that they cannot be treated according to international standards for the conduct of war,” stressed the UN rapporteur on the promotion of democracy, George Katrougalos, in a press conference.

“And since then the situation has worsened a lot, so I don’t think there can be any doubt about it,” he replied, in a comment that was supported by the rapporteurs on the right to water, the right to health and on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.

“Many of us have signed declarations since mid-October (days after the start of the war) announcing the serious risk of genocide… and genocide is ongoing,” said Francesca Albanese, the special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories.

He added that the international community had failed in its legal responsibility to prevent genocide, but warned that the risk now was that it could spread to the West Bank, where violence against Palestinians was increasing by the day.

On the intention of genocide, the UN rapporteur on the right to water and basic sanitation, Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, recalled that the Israeli authorities announced at the beginning of the hostilities that they would cut off the supply of water, food and electricity to Gaza, “which implies the crime of extermination.”

He also confirmed that in this context, drinking water for the survival of Palestinians is being used “as a weapon of war.”

The expert pointed out that Gazans currently survive on just 4,7 litres of water per person per day, when in daily life any person uses at least 100 litres to cover their needs and the World Health Organisation has established that 15 litres per person per day is the minimum in emergency situations (conflicts and natural disasters).

In this regard, he said that the very limited access to water in Gaza has led to 1,7 million cases of infections of all kinds in the eleven months of conflict and that this is causing “silent” deaths, particularly among children, who are not counted as part of the war casualties.

UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health Tialeng Mofokeng said the only way to reverse this tragedy is for there to be an immediate ceasefire.

He said that he constantly receives reports of threats and attacks against healthcare personnel, who are forced to abandon their patients in hospitals due to evacuation orders or who are beaten and tortured in other circumstances.

#Israels #genocidal #intent #Gaza #clear #start
2024-09-19 16:53:10

What specific actions are the UN experts calling for ⁣to address the humanitarian and water crises in Gaza?

“UN Experts Condemn Israel’s Intent to Commit Genocide in ​Gaza, Citing Humanitarian Crisis and Water Crisis as Evidence”

The ‌United Nations experts on human rights have sounded the alarm on the dire situation in Gaza, ⁢accusing Israel of intentionally committing genocide against the Palestinian population. The⁣ experts, including the rapporteur⁢ on the promotion of democracy, George Katrougalos, and the special ​rapporteur‌ on human rights in ‌the Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, have stated that there ⁣can be no doubt about Israel’s⁢ genocidal intent, citing numerous statements from Israeli officials and the worsening humanitarian crisis.

Genocidal Intent

According to Katrougalos, Israel’s genocidal intent has been demonstrated from the start of the⁢ war, with Israeli officials making⁤ dehumanizing statements about ‌Palestinians, stating that they are “animals” and cannot be ​treated according to international ⁣standards for‌ the conduct of war. “I think Israel’s genocidal intent has been demonstrated from the beginning… We ⁣have had numerous statements from Israeli officials saying that Palestinians are animals, that they cannot be treated according to international standards for the conduct of war,” Katrougalos emphasized.

Humanitarian Crisis​ Worsening

The situation in Gaza has dramatically‌ worsened since the start of the war, with the⁣ international community failing in its ⁣legal responsibility to prevent genocide. Albanese warned that the risk ⁢of genocide spreading to the West Bank is now a real possibility, given the increasing violence against Palestinians in‌ the region.

Water Crisis as a Weapon of War

The UN rapporteur on the‍ right to water and basic ⁣sanitation, Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, highlighted the deliberate use of water as a weapon of war against the Palestinian population. At the beginning of the hostilities, the Israeli authorities announced that they would cut off the supply of⁣ water, food, and⁢ electricity to Gaza, ⁢which implies the crime of extermination. Currently, Gazans are forced to survive on ​just 4.7 liters of water per person per day, a‌ far cry from the minimum‌ 15 liters per person per day recommended by the​ World Health Organization in⁤ emergency situations.

Water Infections and Health Crisis

The severe water crisis ‌in Gaza has led to 1.7 million cases of infections, with the lack of access to clean water and sanitation threatening the very survival of the ‍Palestinian population. The situation is further exacerbated⁤ by the lack of access to healthcare, with ‌medical facilities and personnel being targeted‌ by Israeli forces.

International Community’s Failure

The‍ international community’s failure to prevent genocide and protect the Palestinian population has been roundly condemned by ⁤the UN experts. “Many of us have signed declarations since‌ mid-October‍ (days after the‌ start of the⁤ war) announcing the serious risk of genocide… and genocide is ongoing,” Albanese stressed.

Call to Action

The UN experts are urging the international community ⁤to ‌take immediate action to prevent further genocide and protect the human rights ‌of the Palestinian population. The international community must hold Israel accountable for its actions and work towards a ‍peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Keywords: UN experts, ‌genocide, Israel, Gaza, humanitarian crisis, water‌ crisis, ⁤human rights, international community, ‍accountability, peaceful resolution.

Meta Description: UN experts accuse Israel of intentionally ⁣committing genocide in ‌Gaza, citing humanitarian crisis and water crisis as evidence. The international community​ is urged to take action ⁣to prevent further genocide and protect‌ Palestinian human rights.

Header Tags:

H1: UN Experts ​Condemn Israel’s Intent to Commit Genocide ⁤in ​Gaza

H2: Genocidal Intent

H2: Humanitarian Crisis Worsening

H2: ​Water ⁣Crisis as a Weapon of War

H2: Water Infections and Health Crisis

H2: International‌ Community’s Failure

* H2: Call to Action

– What are the main accusations made by UN experts against Israel regarding the situation in Gaza?

UN Experts Condemn Israel’s Intent to Commit Genocide in Gaza, Citing Humanitarian Crisis and Water Crisis as Evidence

The United Nations experts on human rights have sounded the alarm on the dire situation in Gaza, accusing Israel of intentionally committing genocide against the Palestinian population. The experts, including the rapporteur on the promotion of democracy, George Katrougalos, and the special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, have stated that there can be no doubt about Israel’s genocidal intent, citing numerous statements from Israeli officials and the worsening humanitarian crisis in the region.

The Devastating Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has been steadily deteriorating since the start of the war, with the Israeli authorities announcing their intention to cut off the supply of water, food, and electricity to the region. This move has been widely condemned by human rights experts, who argue that it amounts to a crime of extermination. The situation has become so dire that Gazans are currently surviving on just 4.7 liters of water per person per day, a fraction of the 100 liters required to meet daily needs.

The World Health Organization has established that 15 liters of water per person per day is the minimum required in emergency situations, such as conflicts and natural disasters. The lack of access to clean water has led to a staggering 1.7 million cases of infections of all kinds in the past eleven months, resulting in “silent” deaths, particularly among children, who are not counted as part of the war casualties.

The Weaponization of Water in Gaza

The UN rapporteur on the right to water and basic sanitation, Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, has accused Israel of using drinking water as a weapon of war. The deliberate deprivation of Palestinians of access to clean water has been cited as evidence of Israel’s genocidal intent. The expert has warned that the international community has failed in its legal responsibility to prevent genocide, and that the risk now is that it could spread to the West Bank, where violence against Palestinians is increasing daily.

The Plight of Healthcare Personnel in Gaza

The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, Tialeng Mofokeng, has highlighted the dire situation faced by healthcare personnel in Gaza. Reports of threats and attacks against medical staff, who are forced to abandon their patients in hospitals due to evacuation orders or are beaten and tortured in other circumstances, have become increasingly common. The expert has called for an immediate ceasefire as the only way to reverse the tragedy unfolding in Gaza.

What Specific Actions are the UN Experts Calling for?

In light of the devastating humanitarian crisis and water crisis in Gaza, the UN experts are calling for the following actions to be taken:

  1. Immediate Ceasefire: The UN experts are demanding an immediate ceasefire to bring an end to the violence and allow for humanitarian aid to reach those in need.
  2. Access to Clean Water: The international community must ensure that Palestinians in Gaza have access to clean water, meeting the minimum requirements of 15 liters per person per day.
  3. Protection of Healthcare Personnel: The safety and security of healthcare personnel must be guaranteed, and attacks on medical staff and facilities must be prevented.
  4. Accountability for War Crimes: Those responsible for the humanitarian crisis and genocidal intent in Gaza must be held accountable for their actions, and international law must be upheld.

The international community can no longer turn a blind eye to the atrocities unfolding in Gaza. It is imperative that we take immediate action to address the humanitarian crisis, protect the right to clean water, and hold those responsible for war crimes accountable.

Keywords: Israel, Genocide, Gaza, Humanitarian Crisis, Water Crisis, UN Experts, Human Rights, Accountability, War Crimes.



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