UN condemns executions in Iran | 15 min. lt

The UN Human Rights Office said Friday’s execution was disturbing.

“The execution of Hamidrez Azari, accused of murder, is the first death sentence this year for an alleged child offender in Iran,” spokeswoman Elizabeth Throssell said in a statement.

She reminded Tehran of its commitment under international conventions to ban the death penalty for crimes committed by persons under the age of 18.

“We are also concerned about the same-day execution of 22-year-old Milad Zohrevand, the eighth person to be executed in connection with the September 2022 protests,” Throssell said.

“Available information indicates that his trial did not meet the basic requirements of due process under international human rights law.” There are also disturbing reports that Ms. Zohrevand’s parents were detained after the execution,” she continued.

“We condemn the executions,” she added.

In September 2022, protests were sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd, after she was arrested in Tehran for allegedly violating Iran’s strict dress code for women.

Rights groups say Iran has used a wide-ranging crackdown to quell the protests, which have left hundreds dead and thousands arrested.

Throssell said Iran has one of the highest death penalty rates, particularly for drug-related crimes, and minorities are disproportionately executed.

She called on Iran to immediately suspend the use of the death penalty and declare a moratorium.

Until then, death sentences can only be imposed for the most serious crimes, which intentionally and directly cause death, Throssell said.

“We also call on the government to stop using criminal procedures to punish political activists and others for exercising their right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly,” the spokeswoman added.

#condemns #executions #Iran #min
2024-08-28 17:12:17



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