UN: “Condemned” Palestine’s request to join

A United Nations Security Council vote on the Palestinians’ request to become a full member state is likely to take place on Thursday or Friday, diplomatic sources said Wednesday, as talks on the issue continue.

On Tuesday, diplomatic sources assured that the vote would take place on Thursday, but the situation has since changed and some member states are in favor of it being held on Friday. No decision had yet been made as of Wednesday night, diplomats said.

“Uncertainty” still prevails, summed up Slovenian UN ambassador Samuel Zbogar to reporters, adding that both scenarios are possible.

“The vote will take place on Friday at 15:00. I’m sure. If you don’t believe me, you’ll see tomorrow,” said Palestinian ambassador Riyad Mansour.

The Maltese delegation, which holds the SA presidency in April, has not confirmed anything at this stage.

However, whichever day the vote is held, the Palestinian venture seems doomed to failure, due to the opposition of the United States, which has veto power in the Security Council.

The draft resolution drawn up by Algeria “recommends to the General Assembly that the State of Palestine be admitted as a member of the United Nations”.

In order for the accession process of any state to proceed to the UN, a positive proposal by the SA is required in principle (at least 9 votes in favor and no veto should be exercised by any of the five permanent member states) and then its approval by a two-thirds majority by the General Assembly .

The Palestinians this month restarted the process of joining the organization as a full member state, dating back to September 2011, with a letter to the Secretary-General and the Organization’s Security Council, citing Israel’s military operations in the Gaza Strip, which now lasting more than half a year, and the continued expansion of Jewish settlements—even though they are considered illegal under international law—in the West Bank.

In November 2012 they secured, by a vote of the General Assembly, simply “non-member observer state status”.

Source of RES-EMP

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