UN Chief Describes Gaza as a Devastating Landscape of Unmatched Tragedy and Ruin

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has said on Monday that he in Gaza Israeli The devastation and deaths resulting from the aggression have never been seen anywhere.

He has demanded that the series of worst destruction and deaths during his seven-year tenure should stop immediately.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in an interview with the Associated Press (AP) that it is ‘unrealistic’ to think that the UN can play a role in the future of Gaza, either By administering the area or providing peacekeeping forces, because Israel is unlikely to accept a UN role.’

However, he said that ‘the United Nations will remain available to support any ceasefire.’

He has offered to monitor any ceasefire in Gaza by the United Nations.

The United Nations has had a military monitoring mission in the Middle East since 1948, known as UNTSO.

“On our part, that was one of the hypotheses that we put forward,” he said.

Antonio Guterres said that ‘of course we will be ready to do whatever the international community asks us to do. The question is whether the parties will accept it and especially whether Israel will accept it.’

Israeli aggression on Gaza It has been going on for 11 months while there has been no progress in the recent ceasefire talks and violence has reached new heights in the occupied West Bank.

Underscoring the need for a ceasefire, Antonio Guterres said: ‘The level of suffering we are witnessing in Gaza is unprecedented in my mandate as UN Secretary-General.

‘I have never seen so much death and destruction as we have seen in Gaza in the last few months.’

Moving forward with the ceasefire, Antonio Guterres stressed that ‘a two-state solution to the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not only viable, it is the only solution.’

He said that this means that 5 million Palestinians are living in a state without any rights.

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‘Is it possible? Can we accept the views of South Africa in the past?’

Antonio Guterres said ‘I don’t think you can put two people together if they are not on the basis of equality and if they are not on the basis of respect.

“So if we want peace in the Middle East, I think a two-state solution is essential.”

According to the Ministry of Health of Gaza, more than 40 thousand 900 Palestinians have lost their lives in the Israeli aggression.

The conflict has caused widespread destruction and repeatedly displaced nearly 90 percent of Gaza’s 2.3 million population.

The United States and others support Palestinian statehood, but Netanyahu, who leads the most conservative government in Israel’s history, has opposed calls for a two-state solution.

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#death #destruction #Gaza #chief
2024-09-11 04:03:05

What actions is UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres advocating for⁣ to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza?

UN Chief Antonio Guterres Calls for⁤ Immediate Ceasefire in⁤ Gaza, Emphasizes⁣ Two-State Solution

United Nations ‌Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has urged for an‍ immediate ceasefire in Gaza, emphasizing that the level ⁣of suffering witnessed in the⁢ region is unprecedented⁢ in his mandate as⁤ UN​ Secretary-General. The devastating conflict has resulted in massive destruction ⁤and loss of life, with over 40,900 Palestinians killed ⁤and ⁤nearly 90% of Gaza’s 2.3⁣ million population displaced.

In a recent interview with the Associated Press (AP),⁤ Guterres expressed his deep concerns about the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza, which has been ongoing ⁣for 11 months with no progress⁢ in ceasefire ⁤talks [[3]]. He stressed that the United Nations is willing ‌to support any ceasefire and ​has offered to monitor it. However, the success⁢ of such ⁤efforts depends on the acceptance of the parties involved, particularly Israel.

Guterres’ visit to Gaza in March 2024‍ was⁣ marked by ‍a‍ strong call for​ peace, as‌ he characterized the humanitarian⁤ crisis in ⁣Gaza⁤ as an “oltraggio⁣ morale” (moral outrage) [[2]]. He reiterated the ⁢need for a two-state solution to the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing that it is the only ‌viable solution.

The UN Chief’s comments come at a critical juncture, as the international community struggles to find a peaceful resolution ⁤to the conflict. Guterres acknowledged that ⁣the UN’s role in the future of Gaza is limited due to Israel’s reluctance to accept UN⁣ intervention [[3]]. Nevertheless, he remains committed to supporting⁤ any⁣ efforts‌ towards peace, drawing parallels with the ⁣situation ​in South Africa during ⁤the apartheid era.

The United Nations has had ⁤a military monitoring mission in ⁣the Middle East⁣ since 1948, ‍known as UNTSO (United Nations Truce Supervision Organization), which⁤ could ⁤play a crucial role ⁢in monitoring ​any future ceasefire. Guterres⁤ has already offered to deploy UN peacekeepers to Gaza,​ but the success ​of such a mission depends on Israel’s willingness to accept⁣ it [[1]].

As the conflict continues to claim lives and livelihoods, the international⁢ community must come together to support a sustainable ​peace⁣ process.‍ Guterres’ words​ serve as a stark ⁢reminder of the urgent‍ need for a ceasefire ⁤and a two-state solution, which is the only way forward for lasting peace in the Middle East.


<a href="https://www.repubblica.it/economia/2024/06/12/news/guterresonupaceucrainagaza_orrore-423221924/”>[1]



What are the key reasons behind Antonio Guterres’ call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza?

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza

In a recent interview with the Associated Press (AP), United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed his deepest concern over the devastating situation in Gaza, calling for an immediate ceasefire to put an end to the worst destruction and deaths witnessed during his seven-year tenure. Guterres emphasized that the level of suffering in Gaza is unprecedented, with death and destruction reaching new heights in the last few months.

The UN Secretary-General stressed that the international community must act swiftly to support a ceasefire in Gaza, highlighting the importance of a two-state solution to the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Guterres believes that this is the only viable solution, as it would allow 5 million Palestinians to live with dignity and have their rights respected.

Guterres has offered to monitor any ceasefire in Gaza, leveraging the United Nations’ military monitoring mission in the Middle East, known as UNTSO, which has been in place since 1948. However, he is aware that the success of this initiative depends on the acceptance of all parties involved, particularly Israel.

In a parallel development, Guterres visited the Rafah crossing in Gaza, where he stated that the humanitarian crisis in the region is a “moral outrage” and urged for the silencing of arms [[1]]. This visit underscored the UN’s commitment to supporting the people of Gaza and emphasizing the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

In another context, Guterres warned that the situation in Lebanon should not escalate into another Gaza-like crisis, highlighting the need for the international community to work together to prevent such an outcome [[2]]. This warning comes at a critical time, as the Middle East is facing numerous challenges that could have far-reaching consequences.

The European Union’s High Representative, Borrell, has also condemned the situation in Gaza, labeling it a “failure of humanity” [[3]]. This sentiment is shared by many in the international community, and it is imperative that we work together to address the root causes of this crisis and find a peaceful solution.

the situation in Gaza is a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented proportions, and it is essential that we act swiftly to support a ceasefire and work towards a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The United Nations, led by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, is committed to supporting the people of Gaza and promoting peace and stability in the region.







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