Ultimate Guide to Healthy Living and Valeology: Sleep, Water Intake, Nutrition, and Habits

2023-07-16 16:32:52

Young woman. Photo: Image by nikitabuida on Freepik

July 16, KrasnodarMedia. How many hours a day should adults sleep and how much water should they drink to be healthy? What is better to eat and how to temper? What habits are considered harmful and do not fit in with a healthy lifestyle? Take a new test of the PrimaMedia Information Agency online publication and find out how much you are in the topic of valeology * and healthy lifestyle or do you prefer to live one day and to the fullest?

* Valeology (from one of the meanings of the Latin valeo – “to be healthy”) – literally “the science of health” – a branch of science whose task is to comprehensively study the individual health of a person (socio-economic, medical, environmental, and other aspects of it).

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