Ultimate Chocolate Pudding Taste Test: Big Brand vs Supermarket Chains (Comparative Review)

2024-02-24 18:38:00

New episode of our consumer test series. As a reminder, every week we test products on sale in the six supermarket chains (Delhaize, Colruyt, Aldi, Lidl, Intermarché and Carrefour) by comparing the major brands to “white products” or distributor brands. The final score for each product is out of twenty points: 2.5 points for the appearance of the packaging, the appearance of the product, the nutritional value and the readability of the label, and 5 points for the taste and the quality-ratio. price. This week, we tested chocolate puddings. FYI, this product does not exist at Intermarché.

The big brand test: for madeleines, only one product can compete with the big brand (COMPARATIVE)

Aspect of the packaging: as a reference brand, we chose the inevitable La Laitière, which has not always been a hit in previous tests (crème brûlées, rice pudding, etc.). The packaging is classic for the big brand, and easily identifiable in the fresh section. For Colruyt, we appreciated the emphasis on the product, even if the blue logo took up a little too much space. It was much softer at Carrefour, with brown tones reminiscent of chocolate. At Lild, it was much cheaper, and the yellow color recalled the big brand. Finally, Aldi and Delhaize offer individual pots, which mightn’t be simpler. For your information, the pots were exactly the same at Colruyt, Lidl and Carrefour.

Appearance of the product: For the Aldi product, it smelled like chocolate, but the texture was a little too gelatinous. For Delhaize, the color was already much more appealing, as was the texture, which was more flowing. In terms of smell, it was more natural, but discreet. For Colruyt, the observations are the same, except that the smell is even more discreet. For the Lidl product, it’s simple: it was identical to that from Colruyt. At Carrefour, the color was very dark and the smell much more present. For the big brand, it was clearly head and shoulders above the competition on every level.

Nutritional value: Nutri-Score C for everyone.

The big brand test is taking on rice pudding this week: the big brand is the only one failing! (COMPARATIVE)

Readability of the label: for the big brand, it was clear but written a little too small. For Carrefour, it was also too small, and it lacked a board, the same for Colruyt. For Lidl, however, it was perfect on every level. For a jar sold individually, Aldi did quite well, even if it was a little too small. Finally, on such a small jar, Delhaize cannot make the information readable, and the choice of font color was very poor.

Taste: we start with Aldi, the texture was a little too gelatinous, as we feared visually. Taste-wise, it wasn’t bad but it tasted more like cocoa flavors than real chocolate. For the Delhaize pudding, the taste (and texture) was much more natural, but a little light according to our tasters. The same goes for Colruyt, but the taste was even lighter, unfortunately. For Lidl, we had the impression of tasting exactly the same product as Colruyt… It was already much better at Carrefour, with more of a taste of real chocolate. The product that tasted the best was that of La Laitière. The only downside was that it tasted more like cocoa powder than real chocolate.

The big test for brands: is everyone still standing up for Danette? (COMPARATIVE)

Value for money: here are the prices in order, for 500g of pudding: Aldi (€1.99), Colruyt (€2.18), Delhaize (€2.20), Carrefour (€2.22), Lidl (€2.78) and La Laitière (€3.90).

Chocolate pudding put to the test ©IPM Graphics
#big #brand #test #chocolate #pudding #references #fail #COMPARATIVE



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