Ukrainians mocked Russia’s UN ambassador + video

Russia was strongly condemned on Tuesday at the urgently convened meeting of the UN Security Council (SC) for the previous day’s rocket attack on the Kyiv children’s clinic. Vasiliy Nyebenzja, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, also spoke at this meeting.

Russia’s UN Ambassador Vassiliy Nyebenzya at a meeting held in the UN Security Council in New York on July 9, 2024 regarding the missile attack on the Kyiv children’s hospital the previous day. (Photo: MTI/EPA/Sarah Yenesel)

The Ukrainian news portal Unian counted regarding the fact that instead of the speech given by Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasiliy Nebenzja, at the extraordinary meeting of the Security Council, dogs barking can be heard in the video shared by the mayor of Lviv, while the ambassador himself tried to lie regarding the attack on the hospital by the Russians.

On his social media page, Andriy Sadovy reacted mockingly to the position of Nyebenzja, who in his speech mentioned the city manager in connection with the fact that Ukraine is allegedly causing damage to its own hospitals and social institutions, the Ukrainian press reports. He said that the mayor of Lviv, Sadovy, allegedly admitted that the destruction of houses in Lviv at the end of June 2023 was exactly the fault of Ukraine.

Acquaintances say that Nyebenzja mentioned my name and Lviv in his useless speech at the UN Security Council. I think I’ll listen. I turn on the broadcast… I can’t understand what he’s saying. What language is this?”

– the mayor wrote on Facebook next to the video.

As our paper previously reported, a children’s hospital in the Ukrainian capital was hit on Monday, several people lost their lives and many others were injured. The building also suffered serious damage. The strike, believed to be a Russian missile attack, was condemned by several countries and international organizations, reports MTI. The head of the UN human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine, referring to their own analyses, stated that the attack on the children’s hospital was “highly likely” to have been caused by a direct hit by a Russian missile.
On the other hand, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Tuesday that Russia does not attack civilian targets in Ukraine, as a Ukrainian anti-missile missile crashed near the children’s hospital in Kyiv.

Vasily Nyebenzja, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, said at the BT meeting:

if it had really been a Russian missile strike, nothing would have been left of the hospital building, and all the children, as well as most of the adults, would not have been injured, but would have died.

According to the Russian diplomat, Kiev is conducting a propaganda campaign regarding the hit to the children’s hospital. Ukraine’s UN ambassador Serhiy Kislytsya accused Russia of “deliberately targeting those who are considered the most vulnerable population in any society.”

Cover photo: Volodymyr Zsovnir, the director of the Kyiv Children’s Hospital, which fell victim to a rocket attack the previous day, speaks during a video conference at the UN Security Council meeting in New York on July 9, 2024 (Photo: MTI/EPA/Sarah Yenesel)



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