Ukrainian frontline was surprised to see Taiwan tactical vest experts: quality has a reputation

Taiwan’s love resources have been delivered to the Ukrainian front-line officers and soldiers one after another. A photo of the Ukrainian front-line appeared on the Internet. The tactical vests worn by the soldiers were made in Taiwan. Military experts have analyzed that Taiwanese private manufacturers have long helped the United States, Japan and other major countries to manufacture military wear accessories. The quality is well-known and can help the Ukrainian army.

The photos of Ukrainian soldiers on the front line were posted on the Internet, and the post was also marked “Taiwncanhelp”, thank you Taiwan. In addition to the oatmeal packaging that Taiwanese are familiar with, there are also cards with hand-painted Taiwan and Ukraine flags on the side, and sharp-eyed netizens discovered that the camouflage tactical vest worn by the soldier was also made by a Taiwanese manufacturer.

烏前線驚見台灣戰術背心 專家:品質有口碑

Ukrainian frontline was surprised to see Taiwan tactical vest experts: quality has a reputation

Zheng Jiwen, editor-in-chief of the Asia-Pacific Defense Magazine, said, “The multi-functional tactical vest has many pockets and some hooks, such as this scope night vision goggles and various grenades, which can be quickly extracted from the tactical vest. Taiwan is in this part, the folks Several manufacturers have actually done a good job and have served the U.S. military and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces for a long time in the past.”

Expert analysis shows that the ability of Taiwanese private manufacturers to manufacture military wearable accessories is well-known in the world, and it will definitely help the Ukrainian army. However, some netizens asked, is this tactical vest too small for a tall Ukrainian soldier?

Zheng Jiwen, editor-in-chief of the Asia-Pacific Defense Magazine, said, “I think this is a normal size. These suits must be firmly fixed, (otherwise) when performing tasks, it will bring some inconvenience.”

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烏前線驚見台灣戰術背心 專家:品質有口碑烏前線驚見台灣戰術背心 專家:品質有口碑

Ukrainian frontline was surprised to see Taiwan tactical vest experts: quality has a reputation

It can’t send heavy arms, at least it can help personal equipment. Taiwanese spontaneously made bulletproof vest steel plates and protective gear with the words “Taiwan Support Ukraine”, ready to be sent to the front line in Ukraine. But for more than 200 kilograms of materials, the shipping cost alone would cost NT$150,000. The Ukrainian in Taiwan who was in charge of the delivery was worried about where the shipping cost would come from. He did not expect to ask for help on Facebook, and the collection was completed within 3 days, which made Ukrainians call it incredible. , and again and again to prove the kindness of Taiwanese people.

(FTV News/Bi Xiang, Fang Junhuai reported in Taipei)

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