Ukrainian Crimea was also attacked… Fear of escalating airfield explosion

Russia and Ukraine both denied it, but rumors of special forces and missile attacks
The first major attack following the occupation of Crimea… Russian counterattack expected

Speculation continues that Ukraine may be behind the explosion at an airfield in Russia-occupied Crimea.

If true, this is the first major attack by Ukraine on the Crimean peninsula lost to Russia in 2014, and some analysts predict that Russia’s retaliation and escalation will follow.

According to the AP and the BBC on the 10th (local time), both Russia and Ukraine have denied the possibility of an attack on the explosion that occurred at the Saki airfield in Crimea the day before.

Russia said it was “an accident caused by an ammunition explosion caused by negligence”, while Ukraine officially denied the connection.

Nevertheless, there is a constant view of people not accepting the explanation that such a large accident occurred due to a simple mistake in a military facility where strict security is emphasized, especially in the ammunition depot.

In addition, the Saki airfield is an important military installation capable of immediate air strikes in southern Ukraine.

It is also unusual for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to devote almost the entirety of his speech to the Crimea as if he had been waiting right following the accident.

The Ukrainian Air Force also refuted Russia’s claim that nine Russian military planes were destroyed and that there was no damage other than ammunition.

There is also a series of remarks within Ukraine that acknowledge that the explosion was the result of an attack by itself or its supporters.

Ukrainian presidential aide Olexi Arestovich vaguely said in an online interview that the incident might have been caused by Ukraine’s long-range weapons or by guerrillas in Crimea.

Another senior Ukrainian official told the Washington Post that special forces had carried out the offensive operation.

Ukrainian military expert Ole Zdanov analyzed that the Ukrainian military may have fired Neptune anti-ship missiles with a range of 200 km or Harpoon anti-ship missiles with a range of 300 km from southern Mykolayu.

“Ukrainian forces unofficially admit that it was an attack on their country,” he said.

Some speculate that the United States may have secretly provided ATACMS rockets with a range of 300 km.

The U.S. has said that it does not provide Atacms so far because of concerns regarding an attack on the Russian mainland.

Ukraine attacked Crimea...  Fear of escalating airfield explosion

Since Crimea was incorporated into Russia through a referendum in 2014, Russian military installations in the region have never suffered such massive damage.

As a result, it will be difficult for Russia to officially acknowledge Ukraine’s attack, but there are speculations that it will launch a major counterattack if it determines that Crimea, which it regards as its firmly territorial territory, has been attacked.

Russian National Security Council Vice President Dmitry Medvedev recently warned that “the day of judgment” would come if Ukraine attacked Crimea.

However, President Zelensky emphasized in his address to the nation that “the war started by Russia must end with the liberation of Crimea”.

/yunhap news



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